Category Archives: Unions


Drawing Inspiration from the Hungry Panda Struggle
Led by Migrant Workers from Socialistic China:


28 April 2021: On February 2, a group of delivery drivers took a brave step. They waged the first strike in Australia’s history by gig workers. The workers opposed cuts to their pay rates by the company that they toil for, British-based Hungry Panda. Hungry Panda, while having no operations in China itself, specialises in providing food delivery to expatriate Chinese communities. It is largely owned by Western investment firms like Swedish corporation Kinnevik and Britain’s Felix Capital. Hungry Panda responded to the daring strike by removing two strike leaders, Jun Yang and Xiangqian Li, from the platform dispensing gigs to drivers. But the workers stood firm. They organised with the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and held rallies and stopworks. And six weeks later, they made history again. They achieved the first ever victory by gig economy workers in Australia. The two sacked workers won their jobs back and Hungry Panda reversed the pay cuts, increased pay in certain areas and agreed to provide accident insurance to drivers.

In terms of improvement in conditions, the victory is modest. Like other gig workers, Hungry Panda workers continue to be terribly exploited. Many have to work long hours to make ends meet. For delivery riders, the resulting exhaustion can literally kill them. Last year, five such riders were killed on the job in Australia. However, the victory at Hungry Panda has enormous significance. It shows that even gig workers – who by definition have no job security because their income depends not on set hours but on being granted individual gigs by their bosses – can win gains through collective action. Let’s seize on this trailblazing struggle to organise other gig workers into our unions and fight for a drastic improvement in their pay and conditions. Let’s not only wage struggles against individual business owners but combine that with a fight for laws to improve the conditions of all gig and casual workers. To do this we need to bring the power of stronger sections of the union movement behind the fight for the rights of these most vulnerable workers. Let’s demand:

  • The granting of a decent, guaranteed minimum weekly wage to all currently gig and casual workers even if they are granted less hours in any week than that which would enable them to currently receive such wages.
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  • The immediate granting of permanency to all gig and casual workers – including the granting of all the rights of permanency like sick pay, annual leave and accident insurance.


The backbone of the Hungry Panda struggle was made up of drivers from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) who had come here as visa workers or students. This includes the two strike leaders who were initially sacked. This is not the first time that migrant workers from the PRC have energised the workers movement in the countries that they have worked in. In November 2012, 180 bus drivers from China waged Singapore’s first strike in 27 years! Their strike not only flouted Singapore’s harsh anti- strike laws but was done in defiance of Singapore’s union leaders who treacherously condemned the strike. Five of the Chinese strike leaders ended up being jailed by the Singapore regime and 29 other strikers were deported. The struggle did, however, win some improvements to the housing conditions of the drivers. In repressive, capitalist Singapore, the daring strike by the Chinese guest workers had the effect of a political earthquake.

So why do migrant workers from China, even when toiling under precarious employment arrangements, often have a great propensity to wage struggles? The reason is that in 1949, China had a massive revolution that brought workers to power. To be sure, the workers state created by that revolution is bureaucratically deformed and is today being white anted from within by a capitalist class that China’s compromising leaders allowed to emerge over the last four decades. However, unlike in Australia, India or the U.S., where it is the tycoons that governments answer to, in China billionaires are often cut down to size. Indeed, China’s tycoons are terrified when rich lists are released because that can result in a popular upsurge against them on social media that can culminate in the PRC state imprisoning them. Just two weeks ago, the PRC forced one of the two main companies controlled by China’s most well-known capitalist, Jack Ma, to restructure in a way that will cripple its profitability. Indeed, ever since the PRC squashed a lucrative share sale of that company last November, the normally high-profile Ma, fearing arrest, has gone into seclusion. Could you imagine that happening to Gina Rinehart or one of the Murdoch dynasty here! As a result of these anti-capitalist crackdowns in China, while wages are lower, in keeping with the country still pulling herself out of her pre- revolution poverty, working conditions are better than in Australia. This is especially true in the PRC’s socialistic public sector that dominates the key parts of her economy. As a huge sprawling country, there are some private companies, especially those owned by Western or Taiwanese capitalists, which can quietly get away with abusing workers rights. However, ever since the PRC instituted a pro-worker law in 2008, workers rights have considerably improved. Article 4 of that law gives unions effective veto power over any modification to wages or conditions at a workplace. More significantly, when Chinese workers strike, PRC authorities often – though not always – support the workers not only in their court rulings but by tacitly allowing workers to picket and, sometimes, even take the bosses hostage with impunity. The result of all this is that Chinese workers have a sense of entitlement – a sense that comes from being a member of China’s ruling class. So, when they go as temporary workers abroad, they bring that workers don’t have to put up with crap spirit with them. The Australian workers movement, which has been on the back foot for decades, sure does need this kind of “communist Chinese interference”! Moreover, as the contribution by Chinese workers at Hungry Panda has shown, the existence of a workers state in China is good for the workers movement here. On the other hand, if the capitalist powers succeed in their campaign to destroy the PRC workers state and, thus, turn China into a massive sweatshop for capitalist exploitation this would drive down the conditions of workers the world over. Thus, we must stand with socialistic China against the capitalist powers’ Cold War drive. Rebuff the lying, anti-communist propaganda campaign over Xinjiang, Hong Kong and the pandemic! Oppose the U.S. and Australian capitalist regimes’ military build up against socialistic China!


As well as being from China, Hungry Panda workers are often also temporary residents from South Asian countries. Their powerful struggle has blown to pieces the nationalist notion that visa workers are simply people who “take Australian jobs” rather than a valued part of a potentially fighting workers movement. Nevertheless, that guest workers and international students can be deported so easily and have no access to social security is a huge deterrent to these workers engaging in struggle. Even as pro- ALP union leaders and their ALP parliamentary mates have been quick to use the Hungry Panda workers victory to strengthen their own reputations with workers, much of the pro-ALP union leadership isolates visa workers still further by calling to “keep out guest workers”. Fortunately, a small number of unions are now rejecting this divisive approach that weakens the ability of workers to unite and fight. We say that the workers movement must fight for the granting of all the rights of citizenship to every worker, refugee and student who is here. Let’s unleash the full fighting potential of migrant workers seen so powerfully in the Hungry Panda struggle.

There is something else holding back struggle by migrant workers and that is the incessant racism that they are copping. Such attacks intimidate these workers and make them feel that they don’t belong here and, thus, would be demonised further should they rock the boat. The entire workers movement must come to their defence. We cannot stop individual attacks as they take place at random and are committed by a large number of disparate racists. However, when organised white supremacist groups hold a public provocation, the workers movement should unite with Aboriginal people, all people of colour and all anti-racists to sweep the racist scum off our streets. By dealing severe blows to the most organised racists we can scare the more numerous, garden-variety rednecks into pulling their heads in. Right now, people of Asian background are especially being hit with racist attacks which are getting worse by the day. To stop this we need to oppose the main factor currently encouraging anti-Asian hate attacks – the Cold War drive against socialistic China. Yet, the current ALP leadership of the workers movement is at one with the right-wing Morrison government in its Cold War – and increasing push towards hot war – drive against socialistic China. The ALP does so for the same reason that they promote divisive slogans against guest workers. The ALP accepts the overall domination of the capitalist class and is only seeking to improve workers position within that framework. That necessarily means that instead of fighting to strongly challenge capitalist interests they are left with trying to improve the position of local workers at the expense of their migrant and international worker counterparts. We need to decisively turn the workers movement away from this divisive and failed “strategy.” We need a workers movement that understands that we cannot defend workers interests if we try to gain the acceptance of the big end of town – a movement that understands that workers interests only come by uniting workers of all races and nationalities in militant struggle against their common enemy, the capitalist exploiters.


The struggle by Hungry Panda workers is not only crucial for gig and casual workers. By showing that even the most vulnerable workers can win through collective action, they provide inspiration to all sections of the union movement. And right now our workers movement sure is in need of inspiration! The bosses have used the pandemic to attack working conditions, retrench workers and make those still working toil yet harder for the same pay. Let’s unleash powerful industrial action to smash attacks on workers’ wages and conditions! Fight for a minimum weekly wage and permanency for all currently gig and casual workers! Win secure jobs for all by forcing capitalists to increase hiring at the expense of their profits! Build the unity we need to wage a class struggle fightback – smash racist attacks and demand the rights of citizenship for everyone who is here! Defend the PRC workers state that gave the Hungry Panda guest workers their “sense of entitlement” that enabled Australia’s first ever successful industrial struggle by gig workers!




2021年3月1日: 公司老板们在利用瘟疫流行来削减劳动力,并强迫仍然在工作的员工更艰苦劳碌…只是为同样的薪水(或有时甚至减少薪水!)。 所以,那些公司尽管狂热的砍掉工作岗位,它们自己的赢利却扶摇直上。莫里森的自由党政府继续公款派钱给富有的资本家企业主。 

 然而,为工作者争取工作不是要促进老板们的利润,而恰恰相反: 强迫企业主保留比他们在获得最大的利润时更多的工作岗位。 我们需要集体斗争,包括劳工运动,来停止企业削减工作! 让我们团结有工作的和没工作的工人们一起来要求:

  • 不管企业大小,只要有利润,就得禁止裁员。
  • 任何公司如果他们的CEO年度总收入超过$1百万,那么禁止裁员。
  • 强制要求任何有利润的公司如果每季度(三个月)有每一百万元的利润增加必须新增至少二十五名全职工作者。
  • 所有签证工作者、国际学生和难民都享有公民的权利(包括失业救济金和无限制的工作小时的权利)。
  • 所有临时工作者给予永久工作岗位。 临工者必须成为永久员工,并给予可保证的最低工作时间,小时工资和有薪假期。
  • 禁止所有的把工资和轮班补贴从瘟疫流行前的水平降低的行为。
  • 违犯这些措施中的任一项的企业要被没收和转成公有财产。
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做为对自由党公开的反劳工议程的回应,工党和绿党以及赞成工党领导的我们中的大部分工会长期要求通过一个把签证工作者排除在外和反对进口以保护本地企业的保护主义议程来促进本地就业。但近几个月来,签证工作者不能入境,并且进口物品变得更困难。 但本地老板们仍然随意解雇员工,他们让劳工来支付大流行的代价! 保护主义议程没有保护到任何人的工作。 它只把本地工人和他们真实的盟友分割开来: 世界上所有其他劳工。 同时,它非常错误地使劳工们相信他们与他们“自己“的贪婪的本地老板们有着共同的“国家利益”。

所以我们需要一个新的议程指引我们的工会和更加广泛的工人阶级。 一个基于理解只有赢取对资本家剥削的斗争才能为所有工人获得稳定工作的议程。 指导这个进程的是这样的事实 : 和强大的资本家进行这场斗争,我们的工会运动必须与所有那些因被资本家控制的“秩序”所受伤的群众团结起来 – 深受严重种族迫害的土著人,严重缺乏稳定工作的妇女劳工,没有公民权利的签证工作者和国际学生,华人,其他亚裔,穆斯林和受到猛烈攻击的非裔。当资本家剥削者喊道强迫他们雇佣超过他们所想要的员工数量会导致经济滑坡,我们必须这样回应道:如果你们的体系不能包容为所有工作者力求稳定工作的必要而且明显的措施,那么你们的资本主义体系就应该直接滚蛋!

The Australian Military is the Capitalist Bosses’ Military. Not a Soldier, Not a Cent to this War Criminal Force!

Above photo: An Australian soldier shoots dead an unarmed Afghan prisoner in cold-blood. One of the huge number of war crimes committed by the Australian military in Afghanistan.

Stand with Afghan Peoples and the Working Class of Australia – Support China’s Forthright Condemnation of SAS Atrocities!

The Australian Military is the Capitalist Bosses’ Military.
Not a Soldier, Not a Cent to this War Criminal Force!

  • Oppose Every Intervention by the Australian Military
  • The Australian Defence Force is Not Our Military – It is the Military of The Big End of Town Tycoons
  • Working Class Masses and All the Oppressed in Australia Should Say: Thank You Red China for Calling Out the True Horror of the Australian Capitalist Regime’s War Crimes
  • Growing Tensions Between Australia’s Capitalist Regime and the PRC
  • Standing with Socialistic China is in the Interests of Australia’s Working-Class Masses
  • The PRC Must Do Her Socialist Duty and Be More Consistent in Condemning the Australian Regime’s Atrocities

2 December 2020:  Australia’s SAS special forces are on the move in Afghanistan. They run into two unarmed 14 year-old boys. The troops are suspicious of these boys’ allegiances. They don’t like the look of these kids. So Australia’s elite soldiers simply slit the throats of these children! In order to “clean up the mess,” the other troops bag the bodies of the murdered children and throw them into a river. This is just one of a huge number of war crimes committed by the Australian military in Afghanistan that whistleblowers have alleged. The whistleblowers have provided extremely compelling evidence of most of these atrocities. They have produced video footage of SAS troops shooting in cold blood civilians and unarmed prisoners. They also described how Australian forces would carry with them “throwdowns” (weapons, grenades, radios) in order to plant on the bodies of civilians that they murdered so that they could pass off their victims as combatants killed in conflict.

As a result of these widespread revelations of SAS atrocities in Afghanistan, the Australian regime was compelled to commission its own reports in order “to be seen to be” taking the issue seriously. The first, by military sociologist Samantha Crompvoets, described how Australian special forces would land by helicopter in an Afghan village, then open fire on men, women and children as they ran away. Then they would fabricate an excuse for their massacre – such as that the people were running away to grab weapons! Next, the troops would cordon off the village and drag the local men and boys to “guest houses” where they would be “tied up and tortured by special forces, sometimes for days.” When the Australian troops departed “the men and boys would be found dead: shot in the head or blindfolded and with throats slit.” As one solider told Crompvoets: “Guys just had this blood lust. Psychos. Absolute psychos. And we bred them.”

Finally, two weeks ago, a detailed report by Major General Justice Paul Brereton was released. It found that at least 39 Afghan civilians or unarmed prisoners had been “unlawfully killed” by Australian soldiers. Twenty-five soldiers were identified as perpetrators – some still serving in the military. However, this is just the tip of a massive iceberg. In addition to those incidents which the report outlines have a highly credible basis, the report details an even larger number of additional crimes that it describes as “unsubstantiated.” However, in most cases this is not actually because these war crimes were not committed but because of the culture of cover up. Moreover, given the cover-up culture and the fact that many Australian soldiers who witnessed crimes share the same despicable racism and cruelty as their fellow troops who perpetrated them, many of the atrocities may never come to light. The real number of Afghan civilians, peasants and unarmed prisoners that the Australian troops murdered is likely to be in the hundreds. And that is not even including the much larger number of civilians that they killed through indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery fire as part of the U.S.-led occupation of Afghanistan. The number of SAS troops who directly committed or abetted war crimes is also likely to be well over a hundred. Moreover, the number of troops complicit in these atrocities through silence and cover up is many, many times that number. In short, a very large proportion of the SAS was directly or indirectly involved in horrific racist war crimes against the people of Afghanistan.

The Brereton report was never aimed at honestly showing the Australian population the true horror of the military’s actions. Indeed, huge chunks of the report were blacked out when the public version was released. This includes entire reports on several of the war crimes, including one that the report describes as “possibly the most disgraceful episode in Australia’s military history” …. but which the public is not allowed to know about! This blatant censorship is aimed at moderating anger at the Australian military’s heinous crimes. Indeed, the whole point of the report was to put the disgusting atrocities in a context that dishonestly claims that the military is “overwhelmingly” dominated by troops that “performed skillfully, effectively and courageously” and where higher military officers had little responsibility for the war crimes. Although Brereton may well be correct in asserting that many of the war crimes were directly committed by SAS patrol commanders his claim that there is “no evidence that there was knowledge of, or reckless indifference to the commission of war crimes, on the part of commanders at troop/platoon, squadron/company or Task Force Headquarters level, let alone at higher levels …” is completely unbelievable. Given how many details of the atrocities leaked out into wider society, it is bleedingly obvious that higher military officers knew full well what their sergeants and corporals were perpetrating. Moreover, powerful evidence has emerged that top officers participated directly in some of the heinous crimes. Photos show a very senior officer insultingly sculling beer from a prosthetic leg illegally seized as a war trophy from a slain suspected opposition fighter. The fact is that the Brereton Report is a whitewash of Australia’s senior officers and the defence top brass – and that is what it was always designed to be! It recalls the senior Nazi leaders who after their removal from power claimed that they were not aware of the Holocaust being directly administered by their concentration camp guards!

Yet despite Brereton’s best efforts, the crimes committed by the SAS are so horrendous and so numerous that objective viewers reading his findings would nevertheless conclude that the Australian military is a war criminal-infested force. So no sooner had the report been issued, Australian politicians, the mainstream media and military leaders worked to downplay the significance of its findings. It is certainly fair to say that prime minister Scott Morrison initially described the report as “disturbing” and “distressing.” He had to. In order to be seen to be concerned about war crimes he had to say something but only just enough to acknowledge them. But he and the rest of the capitalist rulers skillfully worked to turn the focus away from the despicable crimes and the awful suffering of the Afghan victims. Morrison dishonestly claimed that the crimes were only committed by a “small number” of troops and emphasised the need to respect veterans and provide them with “absolute support.” Within days, uplifted by a militarist campaign by the Murdoch media, other right-wing forces, hawkish Labor MP Luke Gosling and veterans groups, Morrison pressured Australian Defence Force chief, Angus Campbell, to retreat from his initial firm promise to implement the Brereton report recommendation to strip the special forces of a group merit award. Somehow the SAS troops had become the victims in this saga who needed to be defended! Meanwhile, regime officials showed no genuine anger at the racist murder and torture committed by the Australian military. Instead, Morrison and Co. quickly moved to using “even-handed” terms to describe the revelations, insisting that this “is a very sensitive issue, we’ve got to be careful how we handle it.” The mainstream media have done their best to, in turn, downplay these horrors, one media commentator on ABC TV’s The Drum program even describing the horrific war crimes as mere misbehaviour by some troops.

However, all the Australian regime’s spin was cut to pieces when China’s foreign affairs spokesman, Zhao Lijian, posted a clearly computer-manipulated digital artwork on his personal twitter account that depicted an Australian solider with a knife to the throat of an Afghan child. The Chinese diplomat’s tweet accompanying the image stated: “Shocked by the murder of Afghan civilians and prisoners by Australian soldiers. We strongly condemn such acts, & call for holding them accountable.” Zhao Lijian’s incisive tweet cut straight to the significance of what the Australian military was doing in Afghanistan: this isn’t a “very hard issue” requiring a “balanced” response as the Australian ruling class was trying to sell us, no, their military is murdering children and other civilians in cold blood and needed to be unreservedly condemned for these ghastly crimes! Shocked by this plain-speaking exposure of the true horror of their crimes, the entire Australian ruling class from the right-wing government, to the ALP Opposition to the Greens screamed in unison that the tweet and its accompanying artwork were “offensive.” They were backed by all their media too, from the government-owned ABC to the Murdoch media to the outlets owned by the Nine group – including Channel 9, the Sydney Morning Herald and 2GB.

Morrison not only thundered that the Chinese government should apologise but desperately contacted Twitter in a failed attempt to have Zhao Lijian’s tweet taken down. The Liberal-National parties, which had championed the “right” of white supremacists to “free speech” by seeking to water down the section of the Racial Discrimination Act that outlaws racist insults, is showing what they really think of “free speech”. They want people to have the “right” to insult black, brown and yellow-skinned people but don’t want anyone to have the right to call out the true horror of the Australian regime’s racist atrocities.

The tweet by a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman that sent Australia’s capitalist rulers hopping mad. Zhao Lijian’s tweet, incorporating a political cartoon by Chinese artist Wuheqilin, cut through the Australian regime’s spin and highlighted the true horror of their war crimes in Afghanistan.
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Australian regime forces have been torturing and murdering children, farmers and unarmed prisoners in cold blood but as far as the Morrison government, the ALP, the Greens and the mainstream media are concerned … it is China that should apologise! The ruling class’ denunciations of the Chinese official’s tweet has exposed the complete insincerity of their claim to be trying to clean up their defence forces. Australia’s capitalist ruling class are far, far, more angry about – and determined to censor – criticism of their military’s war crimes than they are about the horrendous war crimes themselves. This is captured in a follow-up, still more brilliant, political cartoon by artist, Wuheqilin. In this work, the young Chinese artist depicts Australian troops shooting dead Afghan civilians with the entire Western media ignoring these atrocities and instead pointing their cameras at a young Chinese artist painting the horror of the bloody crimes; while Scott Morrison, holding an Australian flag draped over murdered Afghan people, screams at the artist, “apologize!!”

A follow up political cartoon by talented artist Wuheqilin brilliantly exposed the Australian media and ruling class who focused their attention and condemnation on those describing Australian military atrocities in Afghanistan while pointedly ignoring the actual war crimes.

In responding to the Chinese official’s tweet, the ruling class claimed that the image he tweeted was “fake” because it was not a real photo of an Australian solider with a knife to a child. But for something to be “fake” it has to be an attempt to pass itself off as something else. The popular Chinese artist who produced the image, Wuheqilin, was never trying to impute that he was using a real image. This was simply a political cartoon, a powerful and unnerving artwork. The artist never tried to pretend otherwise. The Australian regime’s fraudulent denunciation of the cartoon/meme as a “fake” was nothing other than a way of diverting from the substance of the work, which was to highlight the horrific nature of the Australian military’s actions and the fraudulent character of its claim to have been seeking “to bring peace” to the people of Afghanistan. If there are indeed real photos of Australian soldiers with knives to the throats of Afghan children – or that depict even worse atrocities – then these have not yet surfaced though the possibility that they may in the future cannot be discounted and if the Australian government is aware of their existence then they ought to admit to it. Certainly, the Australian regime’s nervous and somewhat nonsensical obsession with labelling a work of art as “fake” and “doctored” may suggest that defence minister Reynolds et al have something to hide.

All this did not stop Australia’s allies from springing to their defense. The U.S., Britain, France, Canada and Jacinda Adern’s New Zealand all joined in denouncing the Chinese official’s tweet. Notably, all the regimes seeking to squash unreserved condemnation of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan had themselves participated in the brutal occupation of Afghanistan – an operation that saw racist-imbued callousness cause these regimes to slaughter tens of thousands of Afghan people in “mistaken” airstrikes on wedding parties, hospitals and villages. The outrage of Australia’s capitalist rulers and their allies against the calling out of Australian military atrocities in Afghanistan is a case of: “war criminal regimes of the world unite!”

Oppose Every Intervention by the Australian Military

Australian troops were first sent to Afghanistan by the Howard Coalition government in 2001. Successive Labor and Liberal governments continued Australia’s participation in the Afghan war. The Australian troops were deployed in order to impose U.S. and NATO domination of the very distant land of Afghanistan and of the Western Asian region more broadly. In the process, they were supporting one Western-backed, reactionary male-chauvinist Afghan force against a rival reactionary, misogynist force – that was at the time not conforming to the predatory designs of the U.S. and West European imperialists – both of whom had previously been massively armed and funded by the U.S. and its allies against the leftist, Soviet-backed, pro-women’s rights government that had administered Afghanistan from 1978 to 1992. Just like their NATO and New Zealand allies, the Australian military action in Afghanistan had absolutely nothing to do with protecting the safety of their own country’s people … or any other people for that matter. So how were the troops to be motivated to participate in such a war? And how could the troops themselves justify in their own heads killing people from rival forces? In the end, the motivation given to the troops and given by the troops to themselves was largely racism. This included both the “respectable” white supremacist mantra that white men are “burdened” by the need to bring “civilization” and “Western values” to the dark-skinned peoples of the world and the more extreme racist notion that their Afghan opponents are savage, sub-humans. Moreover, while many soldiers may have initially been relatively innocent types driven into a cruel, racist outlook by the logic of the imperialist interventions that they were participating in and having to justify this to themselves, in other cases, already diseased racist elements volunteered because they knew that joining the Australian military gave them an opportunity to kill dark-skinned people with impunity. Little wonder then that, as a 2007 photo proved, Australian troops flew the fanatically racist Nazi flag during patrol on at least one of their army vehicles deployed in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, other Australian troops were seen in a 2012 photo brandishing the racist Confederate flag – the flag that glorified the enslavement of black people in the U.S. Given such an embrace of extreme racist “culture” it is little wonder that many troops went on to commit such despicable racist crimes likes slitting the throats of unarmed children and using civilians for live-fire target practice.

A photo taken in August 2007 supplied to Australia’s ABC News shows the hated Nazi flag hoisted over an Australian army vehicle in Afghanistan.

Yet these war crimes in Afghanistan are hardly an aberration. Throughout its history, Australian military forces have perpetrated the most hideous atrocities imaginable. In December 1918, Australian Light Horse Brigades and New Zealand mounted troops still stationed in the Middle East at the end of World War 1 responded to the death of a NZ soldier in a clash with a Palestinian man by bayoneting, shooting and beating the men in the Palestinian village of Surafend. They then burnt the village to the ground. In all the ANZAC forces massacred some 100 to 150 people. Not a single ANZAC soldier received any punishment for this hideous massacre.

Such war crimes inevitably flow from the very essence of the Australian military. The military serves a capitalist class in Australia who hold all the levers of political power. This class – the owners of the banks, industries, mines, transportation, communications infrastructure and major service outlets – makes their huge profits from the exploitation of workers’ labour. But in the stage of advanced capitalism, this capitalist class in the wealthier countries like Australia are not able to stay afloat by only ripping off their own workers. They must necessarily also seek out abroad new sources of labour to exploit, new treasures of raw materials to loot and new markets to dominate. However, such exploitation can only be guaranteed through the use and threatened use of military force. That is the primary reason for the existence of the Australian defence forces and Australia’s overseas intelligence agencies like ASIS. For example, through two separate interventions in East Timor, the Australian military were deployed to ensure that the political superstructure in that country was molded into one that facilitated the looting of Timor’s energy resources by Australian-owned corporations. During their second 2006 intervention, the Australian forces used their dominance of military power to help orchestrate a coup against then prime minister, Mari Alkatiri. They had Alkatiri removed because he was too insistent that East Timor receive a greater share of the oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea that was being plundered by Australian corporations, Woodside Petroluem and BHP. Two years earlier, ASIS spies planted listening devices in the building containing Alkatiri’s office in order to unfairly give the Australian regime the upper hand in negotiations with East Timor over the Timor Sea resources.

To help guarantee its marauding around the South Pacific and adjacent Asian region, the Australian ruling class needs the backing of an even more powerful imperialist bully. That bigger bully is the United States. That is why the Australian ruling class sends its military to participate in U.S.-led wars. It wants its godfather to remain all powerful so that this almighty power will be able to back its own stampeding within this region.

Many left-wing groups reduce the problem of Australian militarism to the fact that governments here have chosen to join U.S.-led wars. The implication behind this notion is that if only Australia was “freed” from its alliance with the U.S., its military would not wage reactionary wars and would not commit war crimes either. Certainly, the U.S.-Australia alliance should be opposed. But this is only because the alliance makes both the U.S. superpower and its junior Australian imperialist partner stronger. Australian rulers showing too little independence from the United States is however not the fundamental problem. Australia’s ruling class choose to follow behind the U.S. only because that helps guarantee their own imperialist looting closer to home. It is not that the U.S. is corrupting an otherwise noble Australian military. Let’s remember that even the murderous U.S. military found the Australian troops in Afghanistan especially brutal and racist. And that’s really saying something! For example, American marines were shocked when Australia’s SAS troops murdered a bound prisoner in 2012 after he would not fit into an American helicopter that came to pick up prisoners captured by Australian troops. Moreover, the Australian military’s participation in Australian-led wars has been just as reactionary and murderous as its involvement in distant “U.S. wars.” Take, for example, the Australian-ordered war against the Bougainville independence movement. The people of Bougainville had risen up in late 1988 against the arrogant destruction of their land and the despicable refusal to pay any meaningful compensation by Australian-owned mining giant CRA (which was later merged with a British firm to form Rio Tinto). So, the Australian regime – then led by Labor’s Bob Hawke – pressured its PNG neocolony to unleash war against the people of Bougainville. The Australian regime supplied PNG with arms, logistics and intelligence and completely led the war through Australian military planners and advisers and “ex”-SAS “mercenaries” who flew Australian-supplied Iroquois helicopters. Nearly 20,000 people in Bougainville were killed in the war and in the brutal blockade of the island imposed with Australian naval support and Australian-supplied patrol boats and aircraft. Of all the horrific atrocities committed in this war the worst were the ones unleashed by the Australian and New Zealand pilots flying the helicopter gunships. They indiscriminately strafed villagers with machine gunfire massacring countless numbers in the process.

That is why we oppose not only Australian participation in “U.S. wars” but equally oppose Australian-led military interventions too. We say: Australian military, police and spies get out of the South Pacific and East Asia! Australian troops get out of Afghanistan and the Middle East! Defend Afghan Peoples Against U.S. and Australian imperialism! We understand that for the capitalists of developed countries like Australia, engaging in imperialist super-exploitation of the poorer countries is not a choice but a necessity driven by the very nature of the capitalist system. Therefore, every intervention abroad by Australian regime forces will necessarily be driven by an imperialist aim and should be opposed regardless of how the ruling class tries to sell it.

The Australian Defence Force is Not Our Military –
It is the Military of the Big End of Town Tycoons

In response to China calling out the full horror of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, the Australian ruling class have stoked base nationalism. “How dare China attack our military and our troops” is their message. However, the Australian military does not serve the interests of the overwhelming majority of this country’s people – it only serves the wealthy exploiting class who make up just 5 to 10% of this country’s population. This has always been the case. Following the 1788 colonial invasion, armed state forces and other “law enforcement” institutions were brought over from Britain or established here for two purposes. Firstly, they were to murderously dispossess Aboriginal people from their land and to then defend this colonial theft. Secondly, they were to enforce the exploitation of hired labour – originally built upon the brutal system of convict labour – by wealthy big property owners. To this day these fundamental, essentially intertwined purposes of maintaining a massive system of labour exploitation on a basis of a continent-wide, genocidal-minded, institutionalised and ongoing theft of land and resources have remained the basic raison d’être of the armed and police forces of Australia.

Every time that Australia’s armed state forces kill Aboriginal people or attack striking workers on a picket line or repress left wing social protests, the personnel making up these state institutions become more conscious of their purpose and more hardened to carry out their tasks in the service of the rich, labour-exploiting class. Moreover, each deed that the state forces commit against working class and Aboriginal people becomes part of the tradition and culture of their institutions. This pro-capitalist and racist culture is passed on from one generation of police, troops, prison guards, magistrates, judges, spies, diplomats and top bureaucrats to the next regardless of which political party may be in office. The culture and values of Australia’s bureaucratic and military personnel is, of course, supplemented by the contemporary ideological campaigns of the capitalist rulers. For example, it is undoubted that Australian troops murdering Muslim people in Afghanistan were influenced by all the Islamophobia spread by the ruling class and their media over the last two decades from the Tampa crisis, the so-called Children Overboard affair and on and on.

The subordination of state enforcement institutions to the capitalist class is reinforced continuously. The extreme wealth of the capitalists gives them a huge influence over society – including the ability to make all state institutions do their bidding. In the case of the Australian military, the threads tying the defence forces to the capitalists pass through the officers that lead the military. As highly paid and feted-by-society elements, higher up military officers are invited to the same official and semi-official events as corporate bigwigs – not to mention the same high-society functions. At all these events, the military top brass develops organic ties with the capitalist tycoons – ties that are reinforced by friendship between their respective children at the exclusive private schools that they send their children to and possibly later through marriage between their sons and daughters. To all these personal connections between corporate high fliers and higher-ranking military officers are added strong economic links. As highly paid personnel, upper military officers are able to hold stakes in the same companies as rich capitalists do, which binds the two layers together. Moreover, staking out lucrative careers for themselves for when they retire from the military, officers are compelled to grovel to their contacts within the corporate elite – since it is that class which controls the economy and hence determines who gets hired for what roles.

Although the Australian military’s main role is to enforce capitalist interests abroad, it is also unleashed at home whenever the ruling class really needs it. Most recently, the SAS was deployed to hijack refugee boats on the high seas and prevent desperate immigrants from coming to Australia. Indeed, the current head of the military, Angus Campbell, made his name as the first head of this despicable operation. The operation was part of the capitalist rulers’ campaign to create hostility towards refugees and non-white migrants as a way of diverting the masses away from blaming the ruling class for their insecure economic position. Earlier in 1989, during the reign of the Hawke-Keating Labor government, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) flew planes in a massive scabbing operation to smash a hard-fought airline pilots strike. Forty years earlier, the Chifley Labor government deployed the army against a weeks-long strike by tens of thousands of NSW coal mine workers. Thousands of armed troops entered the mine fields and worked as scab labour. The military succeeded in smashing the workers’ strike and allowing the regime to imprison eight workers’ leaders. In the following years, the military was also deployed several times against union struggles by waterside workers and seamen. Clearly, the Australian military is far from being the protector of the working class. Instead, it is one of the key weapons that the capitalist exploiting class uses to suppress the exploited masses.

The Working Class and Oppressed of Australia Should Say: Thank You Red China
for Calling Out the True Horror of the Australian Capitalist Regime’s War Crimes

The anti-working class essence of the Australian military exists despite the ranks of the regular, non-special forces, troops being made up in fair part by people from working class backgrounds looking for a secure source of income. In this the Australian military is little different to the police. The police in Australia enlist working class and lumpen proletariat elements into a force that is used to suppress the working class, Aboriginal people and other oppressed layers of society. It is true that in a revolutionary situation, a conscript army can split when called on to fire upon the rebelling masses, with the rank and file troops coming over to the side of the insurgent toiling classes. However, Australia’s SAS troops are anything but rank and file conscripted troops. They are an elite, very well paid, highly-feted by official society, volunteer force. Moreover, the Australian military as a whole is a relatively small and specialized volunteer force. Thus, if the Australian military retains this character, we cannot expect even regular troops to play the same role as Russian conscripts did in supporting the October 1917 workers revolution. Nevertheless, there is still a class division between well-paid officers and rank-and-file troops within the non-special forces portion of the Australian military. Thus, the possibility of this part of the military splitting when called on by the ruling class to fire upon insurgent workers should certainly not be ruled out. However, regardless of whether rank and file troops may mutiny in the future in the course of a workers revolution, the Australian military remains today an instrument for enforcing the exploitation of workers at home and for enforcing imperialist plunder abroad. It is a force serving the capitalist exploiting class – just as the Russian conscript army was prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution.

Even when the Australian military is not being unleashed at home, militarism, glorification of the ANZACs and nationalist support for the military is used to deceive the masses into supporting the Australian capitalist state that the military forms a key component of – the very state whose cops, courts and bureaucracy are used every day to attack workers struggles, intimidate progressive protest movements, harass the homeless and attack Aboriginal people and other persecuted racial groups. Therefore, politically aware working class people and all conscious layers of the oppressed should welcome any undermining of the credibility of the military and other Australian state enforcement institutions. We should be cheering the fact that the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has cut through the Australian regime’s spin and exposed the true horror of its military’s war crimes. True, initially, it was merely a lower level PRC official who tweeted an incisive political cartoon. However, the fact that the PRC has rebuffed the Morrison government’s demands that he apologise and has instead re-asserted his condemnation of the Australian military’s war crimes is indeed powerful. However, the progressive substance of the PRC’s stance will only make a difference if we stop Australia’s ruling elite from drowning the issue in nationalist bluster. That means that those who do understand the correctness of China’s stance – and who can see through the complete dishonesty of the Australian capitalist rulers’ response to that stance – should be very publicly supporting China’s condemnation of SAS war crimes. Let’s have the courage to defy the ruling class consensus! Let’s fight to oppose every person and every cent going into Australia’s anti-working class military!

Growing Tensions Between Australia’s Capitalist Regime and the PRC

Part of the reason why the Australian ruling elite reacted so furiously to Zhao Lijian’s tweet was because he happens to be a PRC official. Relations between Australia’s capitalist regime and the socialistic PRC have been on a downward spiral over the last few years and have absolutely plummeted in the course of 2020. Over the last 16 months, Australia’s ASIO secret police have undertaken threatening interrogations of Chinese international students residing here simply because they have had the temerity to express their political sympathy for Red China. ASIO and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) have also carried out heavy-handed raids on Chinese journalists working here. Then, after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Australian regime was at the very forefront of a despicable imperialist campaign to blame China for the pandemic. The Morrison government, backed by the ALP, proposed not a genuine, independent inquiry focused on how countries responded to the pandemic once the virus made its initial spread (new viruses have always been impossible to stop at their immediate source) but, instead, a witch-hunt obsessed with the academic issue of the origin of the virus for which they had already pronounced China “guilty.” The extremely hawkish foreign minister, Marise Payne, even called for weapons inspector-style moves to accompany the “investigation.” Given that the use of weapons inspectors was the prelude to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, this raised the spectre of Western military action against China! Meanwhile, Australian war ships have been sent thousands of kilometres from these shores to join U.S.-led actions in the South China Sea aimed at intimidating the PRC in her own neighbourhood. Then, five months ago, in a move squarely aimed at China, Morrison announced a massive $270 billion defence expansion plan that will see the military acquire long-range hypersonic missiles. Understandably unhappy at all these provocations, China has responded by starting to place restrictions on lucrative Australian exports to China.

A major method that the Australian regime uses to “justify” their hostility to China is to attack the PRC over supposed “human rights abuses.” Therefore, they went totally apoplectic when a Chinese official made that tweet that points people to the truth that their own human rights record is actually far worse that any problems in China. Mouthpieces for the Australian ruling class have responded by claiming that in contrast to the PRC at least Australia is being “transparent” about its problems and “taking steps” to address them. What a load of rubbish! Many of the war crimes identified were known within the military establishment for a very long time. Indeed, some allegations that the Brereton Report admits are credible go back as far as 14 years! Yet, to date, not a single soldier has been charged. Indeed, many of those who have murdered Afghan civilians and prisoners are still serving in the military – including some high-ranking officers. Moreover, the only reason that these crimes have been even partially made public is because of the efforts of whistleblowers. And the Australian regime did everything possible to thwart these courageous truth tellers. The regime arrested the key whistleblower, David McBride, and hit this former military lawyer with charges that could see him imprisoned for 50 years simply because he dared to give the media evidence of some of the war crimes. Meanwhile, even the tame government-funded media outlet, the ABC, was raided by the AFP for daring to broadcast McBride’s evidence. And let’s not forget that successive governments have been complicit in Britain’s persecution of Julian Assange – and in U.S. plans to extradite him to face life imprisonment – precisely because Assange published details of the horrific war crimes committed by U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.

There is another more fundamental problem with the line spun by Australian regime apologists that “at least we are addressing our problems whereas China is refusing to deal with its human rights abuses.” And that is that while the atrocities committed by the Australian regime are all too real, almost all its accusations against China over supposed “human rights abuses” are false. This is especially the case with their claim that China is “persecuting its Muslim Uyghur population” in north-western China’s Xinjiang province. Now, there has been an anti-communist movement based on the Uyghur population waging terror attacks on civilians. Heavily funded by the U.S. regime, the movement is led by Uyghur billionaire capitalist, Rebiya Kadeer. Kadeer had once been China’s richest woman but is now in exile in the U.S. after the socialistic PRC tried to pressure her – as they do to other capitalists – to give more back to society. The capitalist and pro-capitalist Uyghurs have appealed to religious extremism to build support for their campaign against the PRC and the Uyghur-led, socialistic provincial government that administers the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. In July 2009 riots, right-wing mobs from their movement stabbed and hacked to death some 150 non-Uyghur civilians – not only Han Chinese but also members of another Muslim minority, the Hui.

The PRC responded to all these attacks by cracking down on the hardened terrorists, while adopting a humane strategy towards those on the fringes of the anti-PRC, religious fundamentalist movement. Thus, people who had made minor donations to the terrorist groups or assisted them with online propaganda – equivalent people who in Australia would find themselves being thrown into Goulburn Supermax prison for lengthy periods – were instead given a chance to rehabilitate by being sent to vocational boarding schools. There they would be taught the values and principles of the PRC’s socialistic system and would be given technical training. Western media assertions that there are over a million Uyghurs “detained” in these schools are completely ridiculous. In reality, just a tiny proportion of the Uyghur population went to these boarding schools. The program has proved successful with most attendees having now graduated and been assisted in finding meaningful jobs. However, the anti-communist movement was defeated largely through other means. And this actually has to do with correcting a problem that the PRC leadership brought upon itself. For rightist, pro-market reforms in China in the 1980s and 1990s caused an increase in the income disparities between people living in the hospitable coastal environments in the East and South of China and those in geographically harsher, more remote regions like Xinjiang. Moreover, even within Xinjiang, big differences in income arose between the capital Urumqi, which has a Han Chinese majority, and the southwestern part of Xinjiang which has a harsh, cold desert climate and is where the Uyghur people have traditionally lived. These disparities naturally fuelled the growth of ethnic tensions. However, later the PRC addressed the issue by increasing the level of socialist planning. State-owned enterprises from wealthier regions were paired with poorer cities and towns in southwestern Xinjiang and made responsible for providing jobs, developing industries and uplifting people from poverty. As a result, unemployment and poverty in Xinjiang has fallen dramatically and income disparities have been reduced. Consequently, support for the anti-communist, religious fundamentalist groups has plummeted.

Uyghur people put on a dance performance in Turpan in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. The actual situation in the province is nothing like that portrayed by the mainstream Australian media.

Some problems remain. There is a degree of Han Chinese chauvinism within China that leads to paternalist attitudes towards minority communities among some people. But to put that in perspective, any Han Chinese chauvinism in China is hundreds of times less intense than the white supremacist racism that currently infects Australia. Certainly, members of China’s minority groups are not being murdered in state custody by police and prison guards left, right and centre as is happening to Aboriginal people in Australia. Moreover, a Muslim woman from the Uyghur or other minority community can safely walk the streets of China and know that she is not going to be violently attacked because of her religion if she happens to wear the traditional Islamic headscarf. This is unlike Muslim women in Australia, hundreds of whom have been assaulted by racist rednecks. It would be unthinkable too in China for a horde of 10,000 screaming racists from the majority ethnic group to violently set upon ethnic minorities the way that white supremacists did at Cronulla Beach in December 2005. Furthermore, it is unheard of for senior Communist Party of China politicians to insult or whip up hatred against minority communities, the way that former prime minister Tony Abbott insulted Aboriginal people by saying that there was nothing here before the British arrived or the way that Peter Dutton has demonised Lebanese Muslims and African people or the way that former NSW ALP leader Michael Daley has incited hostility to Asian migrants. Therefore, it is absolutely disgusting for the Australian ruling class to attack the PRC over her treatment of her Uyghur population. Let’s not forget that it was only last year that an Australian white supremacist terrorist murdered 51 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch after he was nurtured for years in the racist environment that capitalist rule has created in Australia – where the likes of government MPs Andrew Hastie and George Christensen enthusiastically participate in white supremacist, Nazi-infested rallies, where media “report” crime events in a manner that associates people of colour with crime and where both major parties use anti-refugee and protectionist appeals to fuel divisive nationalism.

Standing with Socialistic China is in the Interests of Australia’s Working Class

So why are members of Australia’s capitalist ruling class so hostile to the PRC even though their own exports to China generate them such incredible wealth? Some have incorrectly put it down to Australia’s rulers being pressured to take such a stance by their U.S. senior partners. However, in reality, Australia’s ruling elite is merely hostile to the PRC for the very same reason that the U.S. rulers are. And that reason is that these capitalists cannot tolerate the fact that the world’s most populous country is a socialistic state in which public ownership plays the dominant role and where the working class – in an imperfect and tenuous way to be sure – holds state power. The hostility between the capitalist rulers of the U.S, Australia, Britain, Canada, France, New Zealand etc on the one hand and the PRC workers state on the other is merely the manifestation on the global scale of the irreconcilable conflict at the enterprise level between the capitalist exploiters of hired labour and their workers. It’s actually that simple!

Indeed, if one looks back over the history of the Australian military since World War II, we see that most of their biggest military campaigns – from their role in supporting the U.S. and capitalist South Korea against socialistic North Korea and China during the 1950-53 Korean War to their intervention in Malaya (now Malaysia) against the brave communist guerilla movement there to their war-crime-ridden participation in the Vietnam War against the heroic, communist-led Vietnamese workers and peasants – have been against socialistic states or revolutionary movements seeking to achieve socialistic states. Today, the Australian regime’s rapid military buildup is aimed squarely at the socialistic PRC and her North Korean ally. Indeed, the regime’s attempt “to be seen to be” addressing its military’s brutal crimes is aimed at restoring the military’s credibility in order to make it a more effective force in its fight against these workers states.

The continued existence of socialistic rule in China presents several problems for the imperialist powers. For one, the PRC, as she grows in strength, is increasingly developing mutually beneficial relations with countries in the developing world – relations that are quite unlike the exploitative manner in which the Western capitalist regimes “relate” to these countries. This is enabling countries like PNG, East Timor, Fiji and Vanuatu to gain greater independence from the Australian company bosses who have for decades raped and pillaged them. Not surprisingly, Australia’s capitalist rulers are furious about this trend.

Moreover, Australia’s capitalists calculate that as much as they are earning from lucrative exports to China right now, they could gain even greater profits if socialistic rule in China were to be destroyed and they were therefore able to acquire the “freedom” to exploit Chinese workers the way that they and their fellow Western imperialists exploit workers in the likes of Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Thailand and Bangladesh. Moreover, with China continuing to grow in strength under socialistic rule, the imperial ruling classes are worried that this rise of a socialistic power will “corrupt” their own masses and make their own working classes start to look more positively at socialism as an alternative. The capitalist rulers in Australia know full well that their own working class masses are frustrated about the lack of secure, permanent jobs (something which has become even more acute during the pandemic), at the unaffordability of housing, at incessant racist state terror and at ever growing inequality. Thus, the ruling class is worried that their own masses will start to look favourably upon the hugely successful poverty reduction and public housing programs that China’s socialistic economy has made possible. Therefore, they and the other imperialist ruling classes are determined to contain – and preferably crush – the PRC.

Yet while launching a new Cold War against the PRC makes sense for the capitalist rulers of the U.S, Australia, Britain etc, this anti-PRC drive is completely against the interests of the working class – and, indeed, most middle-class people – of each of these countries. For one, Australia exports $170 billion each year to China. That means that, on average, each of Australia’s ten million households receives $17,000 every year from exports to China! Why put that at risk for the sake of the big end of town’s need for an anti-China Cold War? Secondly, the Cold War drive is draining massive resources into the military that should be used for badly needed public housing, public transport expansion, TAFE, childcare, public schools and public health care.

Thirdly, the new Cold War has created a repressive climate at home. Not only have Chinese international students, journalists, academics and migrants been targeted but in April a NSW Labor MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, was witch-hunted out of his position as deputy president of the NSW upper house for merely praising China’s successful response to the pandemic. Two months later, he was subjected to a threatening raid by the AFP that culminated in him being dislodged from his elected parliamentary seat for four months until the AFP finally admitted that he had no case to answer. Meanwhile, an Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea, Chan Han Choi, who was arrested on charges of trying to help North Korea broker deals in defiance of crippling UN economic sanctions, was denied bail for nearly three years largely because of his political sympathy for the PRC’s North Korean ally. All this Cold War witch-hunting has created such a “justification” for authoritarian repression that it has enabled the regime to target dissidents and whistleblowers with no direct connection to Cold War issues too. Not only is the Australian regime prosecuting David McBride but they are also persecuting whistleblower Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery – the people who revealed to the world the regime’s spying on East Timor. Moreover, on November 18, the AFP raided several Sydney offices of the CFMMEU construction workers unions in a highly secretive operation that the police have refused to reveal the purpose of. The Australian capitalist rulers’ anti-China Cold War is facilitating their long-held plans to attack the militant sections of the workers movement.

Most importantly, if the capitalist powers were to succeed in destroying the PRC workers state it would allow them to drive down workers conditions in not only China but in the rest of the world as well. On the other hand, if their attempts to overturn the socialistic PRC are rebuffed and China’s public sector-dominated economy continues to grow in strength, this will encourage the struggles of working class people in this country against privatisation, for a massive increase in public housing, for nationalisation of the banks and for public ownership of the key sectors of the economy. Eventually, the fact that Australia’s biggest trading partner is under a form of workers rule could inspire the struggle here for a workers government. That is why not only must the workers movement and Left in Australia oppose the Cold War drive against the PRC, we must positively stand for the defence of the PRC workers’ state. Let us demand: U.S. and Australian militaries get out of the South China Sea! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up! Down with the U.S., Australian and British ruling classes’ support and funding for pro-colonial, anti-PRC groups in Hong Kong! Down with their campaign of lies against China over Xinjiang! Down with their anti-communist interference!

The PRC Must Do Her Socialist Duty and Be More Consistent in
Condemning the Capitalist Australian Regime’s Atrocities

While the entire Australian establishment has hysterically denounced China’s condemnation of SAS war crimes, China’s stance has captured the mood of Afghanistan’s people. A December 1 editorial in the English language Afghan newspaper, The Afghanistan Times, praised China’s response in its commentary on the spat between Canberra and Beijing. The Afghan newspaper stated that:

“The Afghans are warmly welcome anyone who condemn inhuman actions [that] badly affect the innocent Afghan masses. But the condemnation of war crimes committed by the foreign soldiers in Afghanistan since the US entered the country alongside its western allies nearly 20 years ago – is an unprecedented and timely budge by the government of China. Other countries must follow [suit] the suite…. Anyway, the agonized Afghans welcome China’s move not to only condemn but also react strongly over unlawful killings in Afghanistan and we also welcome other countries’ standpoint to bringing the killers of innocent Afghans to justice.”

This Afghan newspaper’s description of China’s stance as an “unprecedented and timely budge by the government of China” is an apt description. For the PRC leadership all too rarely takes a stand on issues that do not very directly concern China’s immediate interests or those of ethnic Chinese people. The PRC leaders espouse a policy of mutual non-interference in the affairs of other countries. In general, they actually do follow this policy. This does not of course stop the Australian ruling class from regularly attacking supposed “Chinese interference.” Yet, if one examines closely the Australian regime’s claims of “Chinese interference”, none of the them are about the PRC actually trying to change Australia’s domestic policy or Australia’s political system. Rather, the specific claims about “Chinese interference” are all concerned with alleged attempts by China to make the Australian political establishment less hostile to China or to prevent Australia being used as a staging area for anti-communist Chinese exile groups. In other words, the supposed cases of “Chinese interference” even if they were real, which is doubtful, are entirely about the PRC defending itself, rather than about shaping Australia’s political direction. However, this is not actually a good thing! It is the duty of a workers’ state to support the struggles for liberation of the working classes and downtrodden peoples of so much of the world that is still subjugated under capitalist rule. However, the PRC makes little to no effort to support the class struggle of the exploited masses in the capitalist world.

The rationale for the PRC government’s national-centred approach is a hope that if they do not seek to undermine capitalist rule in the capitalist countries, the imperialist rulers will in turn not obstruct the PRC from building socialism within China. Yet the latter is not what is happening! The capitalist powers are doing everything possible to undermine socialistic rule in China – from applying military pressure on the PRC, to discriminating against China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises and to providing massive financial, technical and propaganda support to anti-communist, anti-PRC forces within China (including in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet). Therefore, if the most powerful countries remain under capitalist rule there is a real danger that they will eventually be able to squeeze to death socialistic rule in China.

Many supporters of Chinese socialism may see that as impossible given China’s huge size and the fact that she continues to make one achievement after another. Yet, let us not forget that many subjective communists once thought that it was impossible for counterrevolution to destroy the Soviet workers state too. In the 1950s and 1960s the Soviet Union, just like the PRC today, was achieving an economic growth rate several times that of the capitalist countries and was accomplishing one great feat after another – including putting the first human in space. However, the Soviet Union was eventually crushed under the combined force of capitalist military, economic and political pressure. We should realise too that in many ways the PRC today faces a more uphill battle than the Soviet Union did. For one, when China had her anti-capitalist revolution, China was further behind the most powerful capitalist countries than when Russia had her October 1917 Revolution. Russia prior to the 1917 Revolution had been an imperialist power – a relatively backward one to be sure – but an imperial power all the same. By contrast, China before the 1949 Revolution was a brutally subjugated neo-colony that had become one of the poorest countries in the world. Therefore, while the Soviet Union before its collapse had reached rough military and nuclear parity with the U.S.-led imperialist powers, today the PRC remains much weaker militarily than the U.S. For example, the U.S. has 5,800 nuclear warheads to just 320 for China. Moreover, although catching up fast, the PRC’s per capita GDP remains further behind in comparison with the richest capitalist countries than the Soviet Union was. Additionally, the PRC is much more resource poor per person than the Soviet Union was and has fewer fellow socialistic countries to stand with it. There is another factor that is just as significant. Red China today has a much bigger and better organized capitalist class than the Soviet Union did at the time she was destroyed by capitalist counterrevolution. Many of these capitalists within China are becoming ever more conscious of their particular class interests and are seeking to white ant the socialistic state from within while biding their time to make a full grab for power.

Given all these dangers that socialistic rule in China faces, it is a matter of defending their “own” workers state for the PRC to support the anti-capitalist struggles of the working class and oppressed masses in the U.S., Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan etc. We say to the Chinese masses:

“Chinese toiling people, you have achieved so much since you grabbed state power 71 years ago. The fact that you have lifted every single one of your rural population out of extreme poverty is a simply stunning achievement. But we in the capitalist world are still suffering. We need your help! Please “interfere” in our affairs – not covertly but openly and proudly by supporting our struggles against Australia’s capitalist rulers. We want you to “interfere” in the way that workers on strike in one workplace would want workers in another workplace to “interfere” in support of their struggle by taking solidarity action. And when we and the other working classes still suffering under capitalism today eventually topple our own oppressors like you did in 1949, then your own socialist construction will no longer face deadly threats. Then, all the working classes around the world that have newly achieved their liberation will join you in building a bright socialist world.”

Red China’s forthright calling out of Australian regime war crimes in Afghanistan points to the potential for the PRC workers state to start to politically oppose the capitalist ruling classes in Australia and the other imperialist countries. To be sure, the PRC only took this stand because she was copping a series of hostile provocations by the Australian ruling class. Nevertheless, the fact that this “unprecedented and timely budge by the government of China” has had such an impact and been so well received by the people of both Afghanistan and China should encourage Beijing to make more principled stands on questions that do not very directly concern China’s immediate interests. We, therefore, appeal to the PRC to make the following demands:

  • All U.S. and Australian troops get out of Afghanistan, Iraq and the Persian Gulf!
  • Jail all police officers and prison guards who have murdered Aboriginal people in Australian state custody!
  • Free all the refugees from the Australian regime’s brutal imprisonment! Bring all Manus and Nauru refugees to Australia with the full rights of citizens!
  • Abolish the ABCC and all anti-union and anti-strike laws in Australia!
  • End the persecution of trade union militants from the CFMEU and other unions!
  • End the privatisation of public housing in Australia! For a massive increase in public housing instead!
  • Grant real freedom to, and drop all charges against, Chan Han Choi! End all sanctions on North Korea!
  • Drop all charges against David McBride, Bernard Collaery and Witness K!
  • Free Julian Assange!
  • All Israeli troops and settlements get out of the West Bank and Gaza!

However, as crucial as it is that the world’s most populous country takes an active stand, the main focus of Australia’s pro-working class activists should be on what we should do ourselves. And what we need to do right now is to take advantage of the revelations of some of the Australian military’s war crimes and the forthright condemnation of these atrocities by the country that is Australia’s largest export market, to explain to the toiling masses that the Australian military is not our military and that the Australian state as a whole is not our state either. We need to explain that the state in Australia is the big end of town’s state, a bludgeon and a machine that they use to oppress us. Therefore, not only should Australia’s working class welcome China’s condemnation of the hideous war crimes committed by the Australian military but we should oppose every operation by this military and should fight to oppose every person and every cent going into this murderous and imperialist military. When wide layers of the working class understand that the Australian state is not their state and that Australia’s capitalist-dominated “democracy” is a fraud, then they will ensure that the struggles of the workers movement are kept independent of all institutions of this state. Then, the workers and progressive movements will finally become unshackled. And they will become an unstoppable force for liberation.

Force Companies To Increase Hiring at the Expense of Their Bloated Profits!

Above: A familiar sight in today’s Australia. Unemployed workers endure a huge queue outside a Centrelink office. Photo Credit: ABC News/RON EKKEL


30 October 2020: Bosses are using the pandemic to cut their workforce and force those still employed to toil even harder… all for the same pay. That is why even as corporations are frantically throwing workers out of jobs, their own profits are skyrocketing. They soared by 15% in just three months! Sure, some businesses are doing it hard. But overall, even small business total profits have risen. Yet the Morrison government keeps on doling out public money to the rich capitalist business owners. True, Jobkeeper did help some workers keep their jobs. That is why we demand that it be extended to cover casuals, guest workers and international students. However, the scheme has not saved the jobs of even many workers covered by the program. Moreover, the scheme has helped business owners far, far more than it has helped workers. In the long term, the huge flow of public funds into the hands of rich capitalists will lead to working class people having to pay for the resulting debt. We will be made to cop cuts to public services and welfare. And now, the Liberals’ latest budget is giving still more handouts to its capitalist mates!

However, winning jobs for workers requires not boosting bosses’ profits but the very opposite: forcing business owners to retain a bigger workforce than the level that makes them the greatest profits. We need mass struggle, including industrial action, to stop bosses cutting jobs! Let’s unite employed and unemployed workers to demand:

  • A ban on job cuts by any firm making a profit, however small.
  • A ban on job cuts by any company whose CEO has an annual package in excess of $1 million.
  • A ban on job cuts by any business whose profit over the previous seven years exceeds any current losses.
  • The forcing of any company making a profit to increase its number of full-time employees by at least twenty-five workers for every one million dollars of quarterly (i.e. three monthly) profit.
  • A ban on all cuts to wages and shift penalties from pre-pandemic levels.
  • The granting of permanency to all currently casual workers.
  • Any business that violates any of these measures to be confiscated and transferred into public ownership.

Instead of such a program, the ALP and Greens “opposition” parties and the pro-ALP leadership of most of our unions have accepted Morrison’s deceitful mantra that workers and their bosses “are all in this together.” They only differ with the government on the details. Additionally, Greens and ALP politicians and Laborite union leaders have long called for promoting jobs through protecting businesses from imports, backing local manufacturing companies and keeping out guest workers. But over the last several months, importing goods has become harder, local businesses have been subsidised and guest workers can’t come in. And still local bosses are throwing workers out of their jobs left, right and centre as they choose to make workers pay for the pandemic! Protectionism fails to save anyone’s job. It only divides local workers from their true allies: all the other workers of the world. Meanwhile, it very mistakenly makes workers believe that they have a common “national interest” with their own local bosses.

That is why we need a new agenda to lead our unions and the broader working class. An agenda based on the understanding that jobs for all workers can only be won through struggle against the capitalist exploiters. Such a program would be guided by the truth that to wage this struggle against the powerful capitalists, the workers movement must unite with all those hurt by the capitalist-dominated “order” – Aboriginal people suffering intense racist oppression, women workers disproportionately copping insecure jobs, guest workers and international students denied the rights of citizenship and Chinese, other Asian, Muslim and African people hit with redneck attacks. And when the capitalist exploiters scream that forcing them to hire more workers than they want will cause economic collapse, we must respond: if your system cannot tolerate the obvious measures needed to ensure secure jobs for all workers then your system has simply got to go! We working class people and our allies will take over the economy and run it based on socialist collective ownership for the benefit of us all.


For those who want to print out this article to distribute to potentially interested work mates, fellow union members and friends, here is a PDF version of this article in leaflet form (one single-sided A4 page):

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Corporate Bosses Use Pandemic to Increase Their Exploitation of Workers

Photo Above: Who is Really Calling the Shots! Australia’s richest person, mining billionaire Gina Rinehart flanked by Scott Morrison and Donald Trump at a White House state dinner during Morrison’s trip to the U.S. in September 2019. As in the U.S., in Australia, governments and state institution serve the capitalist exploiting class. That is why even during the pandemic, Australia’s tycoons have become even richer at the expense of working class people.

Corporate Bosses Use Pandemic to
Increase Their Exploitation of Workers

  • The Ever Increasing Share of National Income That Is Being Plundered By the Capitalists
  • Force Companies to Increase Hiring at the Expense of Their Ever More Bloated Profits!

12 September 2020: Over the last several months, business owners have thrown hundreds of thousands of workers out of their jobs. Even the ballooning unemployment rate hides the true extent of job losses. Many workers have given up the search for work and are thus not counted as unemployed. A huge number of casual workers simply are not getting shifts anymore or barely more than a few hours of work every month. They may be officially counted as “employed” but they know what they are actually going through!

Yet business owners – from the bigwigs of large corporations to smaller business bosses hiring just a few workers – have been crying poor too. And the right-wing federal Coalition government, the Coalition and ALP state governments and the mainstream media keep on telling us that “we are all in this together” in terms of the current economic pain. However, the hard facts revealed a couple of weeks ago by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) prove what many people already know: that we are in fact not all in this together. They show that while total wages for the three months to the end of June plummeted by 3.3% [1], corporate profits have surged by a staggering 15% in the very same period [2]. To give a sense of how big that profit explosion is, consider this: if corporate profits continue to skyrocket at the same compound rate every quarter for the next three quarters as well, profits would have increased by 75% in just one year!

Sure, the bosses of some sectors like tourism and travel businesses are experiencing falling profits [2]. However, this is more than made up for by the surge in profits in other sectors. For example, profits in the construction sector surged by 54% in the June quarter [2].  And while some retail outlets are not doing so well, others are making such a killing that total corporate retail profits have skyrocketed by over 30% in just three months [2].

Yet, when the media report on the suffering caused by the pandemic, they focus heavily on the challenges of business owners and very little on the hardships of workers. The media and politicians especially like to speak about the difficulties faced by small business owners. Yet while small business owners of cafes, restaurants and motels have certainly been hard hit by the economic crisis, the profit increases amongst small businesses in the media, information and telecommunications sector, the construction industry, mining and some parts of retail have been so huge that the overall profits of unincorporated businesses – that is, overwhelmingly smaller businesses – have risen by a solid 1.6% in just the months of April, May and June alone [3].

So how have business owners – especially those of bigger operations but to a lesser extent those of smaller ones too – managed to actually increase their profits when overall the economy is in the worst recession since the 1930s Great Depression? How are they able to reap in yet more spectacular profits when the overall income produced by the economy has crashed by 7% in just the three months to the end of June [4]?  The capitalist business owners have achieved this by grabbing a still bigger share of national income at the expense of the wage workers who actually do the work. This is a proven by a very revealing figure detailed in the national accounts for the June 2020 quarter: the Unit Labour Cost. The Unit Labour Cost represents the average amount that bosses must outlay in wages and superannuation for each dollar of added value that workers produce [5]. In other words, the higher the Unit Labour Cost the less that workers are being exploited, while the lower the Unit Labour Cost, the more that workers are being ripped off. Well, that Unit Labour Cost crashed by nearly 10% in just the June quarter alone [6]! That means bosses have spectacularly increased their rate of exploitation of workers during the pandemic. One way they have done this is to use the cover of the pandemic to cut their workforce and force those still employed to toil even harder for the same pay. The greedy capitalist business owners know that many workers still in jobs are nervous about resisting bosses when they see so many of their colleagues being thrown out of work. In other cases, corporate bosses and smaller business owners alike have been slashing working conditions over the last few months. For example, they have been forcing workers to work shifts without paying them shift or weekend penalties. So much for “we are all in this together”!

Official Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that in the three months from March 2020 to June 2020, the Unit Labour Costs of business crashed by nearly ten percent. The Unit Labour Cost represents the average amount that bosses must outlay in wages and superannuation for each dollar of added value that workers produce. The plummeting of Unit Labour Costs for capitalists shows that they have used the pandemic to greatly increase their rate of exploitation of workers.
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Now, bosses want to increase their rate of exploitation even more. They are demanding laws to extend workplace “flexibility” arrangements that will enable them to more broadly avoid paying shift rates. In the mouths of the capitalists, “workplace flexibility” means the bosses forcing workers to work in whatever arrangement that is most profitable for the capitalists and workers not organizing collectively to resist. The Liberal/National government is pushing this agenda aggressively. They have insisted that firms eligible for JobKeeper be able to unilaterally impose changes on employees’ work hours, duties or work location. With typical spinelessness, the ALP “opposition” is, for the most part, going along with the “flexibility” push. Even the ALP-dominated leadership of the ACTU trade union federation has said that it is in principle willing to negotiate on issues of “flexibility.” The ranks of the workers movement should revolt against their current leaders acquiescing to this agenda! We must fight to stop the rollbacks of workplace rights for workers! Stop any cuts to wage loadings for shift work! For wage rises not wage cuts! Let’s fight against unemployment by forcing the capitalist bosses to maintain much larger workforces at the expense of their ever expanding profits!

The Ever Increasing Share of National Income
That Is Being Plundered By the Capitalists

As the total output that the economy is producing is plummeting during this recession and some smaller businesses in certain sectors are indeed doing it hard, the capitalist bigwigs have overall actually become richer because they are seizing a much bigger proportion of the national income than they were previously. The pie has become a lot smaller but the share of that pie that the capitalists have grabbed for themselves is just getting so much larger. Therefore, there’s a lot less pie –  filled to the brim as it is with the fruits of our working class labour –  left to be distributed among the millions of working class people.

That business profits have been rising at a much faster rate than wages is not something that started during the pandemic. It has been going on for several decades now. The ABS data for the June quarter gives us a sense of just how much workers are being denied the fruits of their own labour. They show that total profits for the period of all private sector businesses employing labour [7] – that is, excluding the genuinely self-employed sector – was a whopping $120.1 billion; of which $109.6 billion was extracted by corporations [8] and $10.5 billion from unincorporated businesses [9] (largely smaller businesses). In the same period, total wages across the private sector were $141.9 billion [10]. That means that on average in capitalist businesses – that is, those hiring labour – 54% of the value that has been added by the operation of the business goes to wages and salaries and 46% goes to the business owners as profits. That is despicably unfair! For one, workers far, far outnumber business owners. Moreover, it is workers who are doing the work that actually produces the output of an enterprise. After all, how much of the iron ore that makes multi-billion dollar profits for the likes of Andrew Forrest and Gina Rinehart has ever been dug up or transported or processed by any one of these tycoons? None at all! And how many of the cardboard boxes that makes Visy owner, Anthony Pratt, his fortune has he ever folded or contributed to their development, manufacture, storage or transport?

The breakdown in distribution of income in an average business of 54% to wages and salaries and 46% to profits does not tell the whole story. For the fat salaries and bonuses of CEOs, directors and other top executives are also classified in the ABS figures as “wages and salaries.” But these big bosses are invariably also part or full shareholders of the company or sometimes even the sole owners of an enterprise in the case of smaller businesses. Although these people are numerically few compared to workers, their salaries and bonuses are so bloated that they make up a significant portion of total wages and salaries. If we moved their salaries and bonuses into the profits side, we would find that the split in income distribution in an average business is pretty much 50% to the workers and 50% to the business owners (indeed, it may well be that the capitalist bosses are getting even more than 50%). That seems a lot for these already fat cats to sit on their lazy, exploiting behinds! Let’s ponder what this fact means for workers. Consider a worker, lucky to have a full-time job, who receives $50,000 per year in wages. On average that worker is actually adding $100,000 or more to the net revenue of the business – that is, to the enterprise’s revenue minus all the expenses including raw materials, stationary, electricity, transport etc. Yet of that $100,000 of value that the worker is adding to the business operation, she or he receives back just $50,000 in wages. The other $50,000 is stolen by the business owners! That is the level of capitalist exploitation going on every day in Australia right across the economy – from large corporations employing thousands of workers to smaller businesses hiring just a few.  

Left: Official Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that in the three months from
March 2020 to June 2020, total wages received by Australian workers fell by 3.3% (from
$146.7 billion to $141.9 billion). Yet in the very same period (Right), the total profits of
business – both big and small – using hired labour grew by a whopping 14% (from $105.7
billion to $120.1 billion). Taken together, these figures also show that amongst businesses
using hired labour, i.e. capitalist businesses, only 54% of the value added income produced
by the workers is going back to the workers as wages (i.e. $141.9 billion), while 46% is
grabbed as profits (i.e. $120.1 billion) by the much tinier number of capitalist business
owners. Given that business owners usually also extract part of their income through
awarding themselves huge CEO and director salaries, which are officially classified as
“wages”, then the reality in Australian capitalist businesses is that for every $100,000 of
value added by workers about $50,000 is stolen by the capitalists through either profits or
fat director “salaries”

The reality is that even before the pandemic hit, this rate of exploitation of workers had been increasing remorselessly. Thus, for the earliest date that ABS data is readily available, the March quarter of 2001, the official breakdown – the real one as we have discussed is even less favourable for workers – in average income distribution in a business was 64% for wages and salaries and 36% for business profits [7] [10]. Yet by just before the pandemic, at the end of the December quarter of 2019, the average distribution in Australia’s private sector had become just 58% for wages and salaries and 42% for profits. Now, in just six months, the percentage of income going to wages and salaries has crashed by a further 4%, while the proportion going to profits has surged by the same amount.

It seems that the income of ultra-rich business owners is set to rise even further at the expense of working class people. The conservative Morrison government has flagged that it may accede to the demands of business bigwigs and make yet another cut to company tax levels even as it has disgustingly decreed that Jobseeker payments for unemployed people will be slashed by $300 a fortnight from next month onwards. This must be resisted! Yes, economic stimulus is needed but in a way that actually benefits the masses. The working class and its allies should demand:

  • No income tax cuts for high income earners (that is, those on more than $250,000 per annum).
  • No corporate tax cuts. Greatly increase company tax rates instead to cover some of the ballooning debt.
  • No reduction in Jobseeker payments – increase them instead!
  • A massive increase in provision of low-rent public housing. With millions of working class people struggling to pay rent this is an urgently needed measure.
  • A huge increase in funding for aged care. For all this funding to go to publicly-owned aged care centres. Due to the greed of private aged care business owners, the profit-driven aged care sector has failed to ensure the safety of residents and aged care workers during the pandemic, leading to the horrific, unnecessary deaths of hundreds of people. The aged care sector must be nationalized. The present employment of aged care workers on insecure casual terms should be replaced by their employment on a permanent, secure basis. For the number of aged care workers to be greatly increased and for public resources to be devoted to the systematic training of all aged care workers.
  • Free 24 hour childcare and free pre-school education accessible to all infants. This is vitally necessary to enable women’s full participation in economic, political and community life. All the funding should go to publicly owned childcare centres and pre-schools – the childcare sector must be nationalized.

Force Companies to Increase Hiring at the Expense of
Their Ever More Bloated Profits!

Other than through more intensively exploiting their workers, there is another reason why capitalist business owners have overall been able to greatly increase their profits during the pandemic. Though the government’s JobKeeper program, in the context of a social order where bosses are able to retrench workers at will, has helped some workers remain in employment, overwhelmingly the main beneficiaries of the program have been business owners. And this was always the government’s intention! In our leaflet, No Job Cuts! No Unpaid Stand Downs! that was written more than 4 months ago, in the early days of JobKeeper, we warned of this massive problem with the scheme:

“JobKeeper is financed not from wealthy company owners but from the public budget. And you can bet that it is working class people who are going to be made to cover most of the resulting public debt. We face cuts to public service jobs, the further sell-off of public housing, the return of the dole back to near starvation levels, more health and education services being made user pays and further privatisation. What makes this more terrible is that some of the capitalists receiving JobKeeper subsidies did not actually have plans to cut their workforce because they needed to keep exploiting their workers to protect profits or market share. Thus, many billionaire and multi-millionaire capitalists are now going to receive huge donations from the public budget that amount to a combined multi-billion dollars amount.”

With the ABS figures showing that corporate profits have skyrocketed by 15% in the June quarter alone, the above prediction has now been confirmed.

Yet given that capitalists are, currently, completely free to throw workers out of their jobs at any time if that is what it takes to maximize these bosses’ bottom line, what should then be our attitude to JobKeeper? Well, it means that while fighting to impose a program for jobs that will consistently benefit working class people and that can truly get rid of unemployment, we should in the interim insist on the maintenance of JobKeeper, demand its extension to cover the millions of workers not presently included in the scheme – including all casual workers, visa workers and international students – and oppose the Morrison government’s plan to reduce JobKeeper payments from the end of September onwards. The ALP and ACTU oppose the Morrison government’s plan to slash the level of JobKeeper payments and to the extent that they are actually standing by that position that stance should be supported. However, overwhelmingly, the main game should not be about JobKeeper but about fighting for a class struggle program to end unemployment. And here the ALP and the current pro-ALP leadership of most of our unions have nothing at all to offer. Indeed, the ALP is so intent on ensuring their own acceptance by the powerful big end of town – and even more so under “left” current ALP leader, Anthony Albanese, than under the openly right faction former head, Bill Shorten – that they cannot even moot a scheme that would reduce unemployment at the expense of business profits.

When one realizes that for every $100,000 of value added by a worker, on average about $50,000 is extracted by Australia’s capitalists, then it is very obvious what we need to do to fight unemployment: we need to force those capitalists to divert some of that money that they are grabbing from their workers as profits – perhaps to use to buy their third Mercedes, their eighth holiday home or their second luxury yacht – and use it instead to hire more workers. Capitalist business owners seek not to maximize production but rather to operate at that certain level of production with a certain size workforce that will produce the maximum profits for them. The reason that they don’t want to have a still bigger workforce producing more goods or services is that once that “optimum” level (for them) is reached any further increase in workforce would actually lead to a drop in their profits; for one, because they would need to reduce the price too much to sell the extra goods or services that the additional workers are producing, secondly because they may need to pay higher wages when there is less unemployment and thirdly because they would need to spend more on training as they start to hire less trained workers. However, if we could compel the business bosses to hire more workers, they would be forced to increase production of goods or services to make use of those extra workers and then have to lower the cost of the produced items in order to sell them all. So we would end up with an economy with more workers employed, more goods and services produced and lower prices – all of which would be great for the working class masses but which would be achieved at the expense of capitalist profits. Consider, for example, how this would work with the supermarkets – and we know that the filthy rich owners of Coles and Woolworths have continued to rake in fabulous profits during the pandemic [11]. If these bosses of the supermarket giants were forced to hire more workers and prevented from cutting any workers’ wages or conditions they would end up increasing opening hours to make use of the extra workers and probably increase the time spent on job training. Furthermore, so that they would gain some benefit in terms of total sales from having the extra staff, they would need to slightly lower prices to sell more goods and, thus, utilize the extra labour that they have been compelled to take on board. Moreover, to make use of the extra workers they would probably have more customers served by check out staff rather than self-serve counters. Apart from this being beneficial to the working class because more workers get employed, working class customers would also benefit through lower prices, faster and more convenient service and longer supermarket opening hours.

Of course, the capitalist supermarket bosses would absolutely hate this as would any capitalist being forced to employ more workers than they want to. They will scream blue murder at the loss of profits. Meanwhile, Liberal, ALP and ALP/Greens governments, who all ultimately serve the capitalists, will also militantly oppose such demands. That is why the only way that we can compel the bosses to hire more workers at the expense of their profits is through determined mass struggle. We need such powerful working class action that the capitalists and the governments that serve them will realise that the cost of not acceding to our demands is potentially greater and more threatening to their overall domination of society than the loss of profits that would ensue from meeting our demands. Even during a pandemic, powerful working class action is still possible. In July, five hundred workers organised by the National Union of Workers at Woolworths’ warehouse in Wyong, NSW took powerful strike action to demand decent pay. The striking workers, who also established a picket line to enforce the strike, additionally demanded the conversion of long-term casuals to permanency.

In order to unite workers across different workplaces into a common fight for jobs for all and in order to ensure that the rights of workers at smaller businesses – where industrial action is less effective – are also protected, we should fight for actual laws that force bosses to increase the number of workers that they employ. Among the demands that we should fight for are:

  • A ban on all job cuts or unpaid stand downs by any firm making a profit, however small.
  • A ban on all job cuts or unpaid stand downs by any company whose highest paid executive or director has an annual salary and bonus package in excess of $1 million.
  • A ban on job cuts or unpaid stand downs by any business whose total profit over the previous, say seven, years exceeds any current losses.
  • The forcing of any company still making a profit to increase its number of full-time paid employees by at least twenty-five workers for every one million dollars of quarterly (i.e. three monthly) profit. By the way, since total profits of private sector businesses utilizing hired labour was more than $120 billion in the last quarter, this measure alone would immediately lead to an extra three million full-time jobs.
  • A ban on all cuts to wages and workplace conditions from pre-pandemic levels.
  • The immediate conversion of all casual workers into permanent employees with all the rights of permanency.
  • Any business that violates any of these measures to be confiscated and transferred into public ownership.

To such a program, the capitalist exploiters and all the ruling class politicians, mainstream media commentators, “experts” and official economists who serve them will scream that this is “totally impractical”, “will cause investment to collapse”, “will lead to a plummeting of business confidence” etc etc etc. When they do, all socialists should use that opportunity to explain to the working class masses that this is precisely why we socialists insist that the means of production be stripped away from the rich capitalists and brought into public ownership under a workers government. For if the capitalists insist that plainly rational measures to ensure that every worker gets a permanent, secure job is “not practical” and “will cause investment to collapse” under their system, then this is the best proof one can get that their system needs to be swept away once and for all by the workers and all our allies and replaced by a socialist system that we can truly call our own.


[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 18. WAGES AND SALARIES, Current prices, Percentage change from the previous quarter, Released 31 August 2020,            

[2] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 12. COMPANY GROSS OPERATING PROFITS, Current prices, Percentage change from previous quarter, Released 31 August 2020,            

[3] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 14. UNINCORPORATED GROSS OPERATING PROFITS, Current prices, Percentage change from previous quarter, Released 31 August 2020,            

[4] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5206.0 – Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Jun 2020, Released 2 September 2020,

[5] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5206.0 – Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Jun 2020, > Explanatory Notes > Glossary, Released 2 September 2020,

[6] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5206.0 – Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Jun 2020, Table 42. Unit Labour Costs, Released 2 September 2020, 

[7] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 15. BUSINESS GROSS OPERATING PROFITS, Current prices, Released 31 August 2020,

[8] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 11. COMPANY GROSS OPERATING PROFITS, Current prices, Released 31 August 2020,

[9] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 13. UNINCORPORATED GROSS OPERATING PROFITS, Current prices, Released 31 August 2020,

[10] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5676.0 – Business Indicators, Australia, Jun 2020, TABLE 17. WAGES AND SALARIES, Current prices, Released 31 August 2020,

[11] The New Daily, Coles rides virus-induced boom to record profit, 18 August 2020,

No Job Cuts! No Unpaid Stand Downs!

Don’t Let Rich Business Owners Make Workers Pay for the Pandemic –
Force Them to Keep Paying Wages from the Profits
They’ve Leached From Workers Over the Years!

No Job Cuts! No Unpaid Stand Downs!

3 May 2020: Australian billionaire James Packer spent much of last year cruising around in a $200 million super yacht. He is now lazing about in his $20 million holiday mansion in a U.S. resort. Packer can afford all this. This main owner of hotel and casino operator Crown Resorts has made a fortune from leaching profits out of the hard work of Crown workers. In the last five years, Crown’s owners have extracted a total profit of $4.2 billion. Yet within hours of the March 22 announcement that clubs and casinos needed to close due to COVID-19, Packer and Co. stood down without pay thousands of workers. Around 95% of the 11,500 strong Crown workforce has been cut. This is outrageous! Consider this: assuming that the average annual wage of a Crown worker is $60,000, probably an overestimate given how badly hospitality workers are paid, then Packer and the other shareholders could pay all the stood down workers their full wages for six and a half years out of the profits that they have leached from these workers’ labour in just the last five years!

Packer is hardly alone in acting this way. Right across Australia, the owners of cafes, restaurants, gyms, airlines, tourism operations and factories are throwing onto the scrap heap the very same workers who made these capitalists their fortunes. We must not stand for this! Ultra-rich business owners should not be allowed to retrench workers or stand down workers without pay. We must force them to keep on paying us in full out of the profits that they have leached from our labour over the years.

Early June 2020: James Packer aboard his $200 million superyacht. Just six weeks earlier his Crown Resorts stood down without pay over 10,000 of the very workers whose toil made this greedy, lazy billionaire his fortune. Merely selling the superyacht that he bought last year (out of the profits extracted from these workers) could alone have covered the full pay of all of Packer’s stood-down workers for nearly four months!
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It is Workers Who Are Bearing the Economic Pain of the COVID-19 Pandemic

For years, Australian governments – Liberal, ALP and ALP-Greens coalitions alike – have kept the dole at cruelly low levels. The right-wing media have “justified” this by insulting unemployed workers as lazy. However, with so many workers now thrown onto Centrelink queues it is hard to sell that lie. So, now the new line that the regime is selling us is that “everyone needs to share the economic pain” caused by the pandemic. Except it is workers who are being made to bear all that pain! Sure, there are also some small businesses that are not making a profit right now. But let’s not buy the line that those small business owners using hired labour are simply, innocent “battlers.” Many of these small business owners axing jobs now are the ones most notorious for illegally under-paying their staff and otherwise bullying their workers. And how many workers employed in small businesses see their supposed “battler” boss turn up each day in a flashy Mercedes or BMW!

Let’s remember that when any business using hired labour, big or small, winds up, the owners still have all their personal wealth that they have extracted from exploiting their workers as well as all the money that they will get from selling the equipment and other business assets that they had bought from the profits sweated out from workers’ labour over the years. Just look at how little the high-profile failure of Clive Palmer’s Queensland Nickel affected his wealth. After Palmer sacked 237 workers in early 2016, he then infamously refused to pay even the entitlements of the further 800 workers who lost their jobs when the company was liquidated shortly after. Today, despite his company’s collapse and all the pain borne by the axed Queensland Nickel workers, Palmer still manages to be Australia’s eighth richest person with nearly $10 billion in wealth!

Far from “sharing the pain”, many bosses are using the current crisis to, instead, inflict pain on their workers. Knowing that the massive job losses have left those still employed feeling insecure about their jobs and, thus, less willing to challenge bosses, business owners are ramming through attacks on working conditions. The conservative government is right behind them. Last week, industrial relations minister Christian Porter slashed the notice period that bosses have to give before making cuts to pay, penalty rates and leave entitlements to just 24 hours. Meanwhile, some corporate bigwigs are using the cover of the pandemic to push through job cuts. In March, ANZ bosses slashed 230 jobs as part of a long-plotted “cost cutting” drive.

Typical of the bosses busy retrenching workers are the ones heading major pub operator, Redcape. Redcape’s biggest stake is held by American banker, Ken Moelis, but Australian tycoon, Rhonda Wyllie, also owns a multi-millionaire dollar stake. Wyllie, whose family’s wealth is $420 million, is a politically-connected property mogul who had then foreign minister Julie Bishop at her obscenely opulent 2018 wedding. Right: Whyllie (left) and Bishop (right) at this latter event. Whyllie, Moellis and co.’s company wasted no time in responding to the pandemic restrictions by axing casual staff and standing down, without pay, most of Redcape’s permanent workers. This despite Redcape’s owners having exploited $153 million from their workers in just the last four and a half years – enough to pay the 800 cut workers in full for around five years!

Bosses Putting Workers’ Lives at Risk

Driven by this same pursuit of “cutting costs,” many business owners are putting those workers lucky enough to still have a job at risk of contracting the coronavirus. Qantas has such lax safety systems that even the limp government regulator, Safework NSW, issued the company a mandatory notice on March 2 because Qantas did not ensure that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) was provided to Sydney ground crew performing the crucial role of cleaning aircraft of wet wipes, used tissues, used face masks and sometimes even vomit and blood. Then the Transport Workers Union exposed how after a Qantas baggage handler at Adelaide Airport was found be infected with COVID-19, Qantas bosses did little to put any protections in place. As a result within 17 days, another 17 baggage handlers, three other Qantas workers and 11 close contacts became infected.

In many cases, bosses are not only putting their workers at risk but placing those they supposedly serve in danger too. At many hospitals and private aged care facilities, bosses have failed to provide workers with adequate PPE; and at best only after the virus has already spread. At a Western Sydney Anglicare nursing home, 14 residents have tragically died from COVID-19 after a worker was infected.

The higher paid strata of administrators of government-run facilities are often little better than their private sector counterparts. In Tasmania, the virus jumped from two infected North West Regional Hospital patients onto medical workers. The lack of adequate PPE, which medical workers have angrily exposed, enabled COVID-19 to then spread like wildfire amongst staff and patients at the hospital and a neighbouring private hospital. Three days ago, the twelfth person died from this particular outbreak that has infected at least 73 health workers.

Since we can’t rely on the bosses to ensure a safe workplace, the workers movement must fight for the following:

  • Union/worker safety committees at each workplace. These will struggle to ensure that each workplace is safe and has proper pandemic deterrence procedures. If any site is found to be dangerous, workers should walk off the job until the site is made safe. Workers to be fully paid during any such walk-offs.
  • Temperature testing of all workers and others entering work sites.
  • All workers at hospitals treating potential COVID-19 patients and at all aged care homes to be supplied with full head-to-toe PPE. The provision of such space-suit style PPE to nurses, janitors and doctors in China is part of why that country was so successful in responding to the COVID-19 threat.
  • All workers to be granted unlimited paid pandemic leave for COVID-19 treatment or quarantining or for caring for ill people. Instead of bosses blaming workers for outbreaks, they should pay sick leave so that workers don’t get hit with the choice between poverty and risking spreading the disease.
  • Similarly, all casual workers must be immediately granted permanency. These workers must have all the rights of permanent workers – including sick leave and guaranteed minimum work hours.

Not Bailouts of Capitalists but Jobs For All Workers At Full Pay

All of official society, business owners, media commentators, the ALP “Opposition” and even, to a significant degree, the current leaders of our trade unions – have been cheering the government’s JobKeeper scheme that pays the owners of certain businesses $1,500 per fortnight for each worker that they keep on their payrolls. However, JobKeeper does not apply to most casual workers. Yet it is precisely such workers who have suffered the biggest job cuts since they often work in the hardest hit sectors like hospitality and retail. Also, often working in these areas are international students and visa workers. Yet the scheme will not apply to them either. These people now face destitution as they are not even eligible for the dole. Despicably, Morrison’s response to their plight is to tell these people to “make your way home”! For many this is not even possible as they not only have no money to pay for airfares but often cannot do so due to travel restrictions. The workers movement must actively demand that, to the extent that JobKeeper actually helps workers keep their jobs, it should apply to all workers. Let’s stop our wages being undercut by the forcing of destitute people into illegally-low-paid jobs in the cash economy! Let’s demand:

  • Immediate permanency, with all the rights of permanent workers, for all casual employees!
  • Full citizenship rights for everyone here including international students, refugees and visa workers!

Other than those explicitly excluded from JobKeeper, there are many others that the scheme will not save the jobs of. Since it only applies to large companies that have lost more than 50% of their revenue and smaller businesses that have lost at least 30%, workers being axed by firms experiencing lesser downturns will not be helped. Moreover, since the subsidy is barely above minimum wage, many bosses are choosing not to utilise the scheme because they simply don’t want to top up any wages out of their own pockets. Other capitalists are refusing to re-hire cut workers because they wanted to “prune” staff anyway.

There is another huge problem. JobKeeper is financed not from wealthy company owners but from the public budget. And you can bet that it is working class people who are going to be made to cover most of the resulting public debt. We face cuts to public service jobs, the further sell-off of public housing, the return of the dole back to near starvation levels, more health and education services being made user pays and further privatisation. What makes this more terrible is that some of the capitalists receiving JobKeeper subsidies did not actually have plans to cut their workforce because they needed to keep exploiting their workers to protect profits or market share. Thus, many billionaire and multi-millionaire capitalists are now going to receive huge donations from the public budget that amount to a combined multi billion dollars amount. That’s why in counter-position to JobKeeper, we need to fight for jobs for all workers through forcing the bosses to retain more workers than they want to at the expense of their own profits. That requires militant, mass struggle.

Even at this time of pandemic restrictions, strike action is still possible. Last month, MUA-organised Hutchison workers walked off the job for ten days over the company’s callous indifference to the threat of a pandemic spread at its Port Botany terminal. Moreover, social distancing measures will inevitably ease, giving us more freedom to launch the mass actions so urgently needed. We should then fight to stop wealthy business owners planning to permanently shut down operations by holding mass protest occupations of their facilities (while maintaining safe social distancing) to prevent them from selling their assets. However, given that many workers being axed are at smaller sites with less industrial power, the workers movement must also unite behind common demands for laws to ensure jobs for all workers. Let us demand:

  • A ban on all job cuts or unpaid stand downs by any firm whose total profit over the previous, say seven, years exceeds any current losses.
  • A ban on all cuts to wages and conditions from pre-pandemic levels.
  • The forcing of any company still making a profit to increase its number of full-time paid employees by at least five workers for every hundred thousand dollars of monthly profit.
  • Any business that violates these measures to be confiscated and transferred into public ownership.

Workers are NOT “All in This Together” with the Greedy, Rich Bosses

To wage the desperately needed fightback, the workers movement must change the program that currently leads our unions. Right now, pro-ALP union leaders have completely bought into the “we are all in this together” mantra. They have been cheered on in this by the corporate bigwigs, the right-wing government and media commentators. The ACTU leadership has been so compliant that industrial relations minister Christian Porter called ACTU leader Sally McManus his new BFF! Even the more militant Victorian CFMEU head, John Setka, has cheered the “unprecedented co-operation” with bosses associations saying “For once, we are all in the same boat.”

But far from being “all in the same boat”, the greedy bosses are actually throwing workers off the very boats that these workers built as soon as these boats run into rough waters. It is this same “we are all in the same boat” nonsense that saw the 1980s Accord between unions, bosses and the then ALP government. The Accord was essentially a no-strike pledge by union leaders in exchange for promises of social programs. In reality, The Accord saw the then Hawke and Keating Labor governments preside over the biggest increase in inequality in Australian history. Since then a less overt, but still underlying, “all in the same boat” ideology has seen union leaders, for the most part, shy away from organising militant industrial action – a strategy that has weakened our unions and led to the undermining of working conditions and rampant casualisation of the workforce.

Central to the “we are all in this together” ideology is the myth that workers and bosses share a common “national interest” in promoting the profits of local companies. Thus, the union leadership’s long-term “strategy” to stop job cuts has been to call to protect Australian businesses from imported goods. However, the last couple of months have exposed how utterly bankrupt this protectionist strategy is. For all the recent huge job losses have absolutely nothing to do with overseas competition hurting local businesses. The job cuts have actually been concentrated in sectors – like restaurants, shops, personal care, tourism and gyms – that simply cannot by their very nature be replaced by imports or by overseas contracting. Meanwhile, not only are travel disruptions reducing imports to Australia, those cuts to imports are causing job losses here as Australian businesses are deprived of needed supplies.

So we desperately need to exorcise our union movement of the we are all in this together or common national interest myth that currently haunts it. Our unions need to be re-oriented on a program based on a clear understanding that the interests of the capitalist business owners and those of the working class are at all times counter-posed. At times of crisis, like today, this conflict of interests actually becomes even sharper. Central to such a class struggle understanding is the truth that job losses are not ultimately caused by foreign threats to local business profits but by the greed of capitalists and the irrationality of their system. Thus the fight for jobs for all requires not helping local bosses to make more profit but actually, in a sense, the very opposite: mass struggle to force these bosses to hire more workers at the expense of their profits.

One positive development that lasted for a short period is that after years of focusing on demands to keep out guest workers, our union leaders, albeit not very energetically, did rightly call for JobKeeper to be extended to visa workers and international students. However, this emphasis did not last long at all. Today, Sally McManus and some other union leaders gave legitimacy to a newspaper opinion piece by one of their ALP parliamentary mates calling to cut migration and for local workers to get a “first go at jobs.” The divisive, nationalist article was written by senior federal shadow minister, Kristina Keneally, who sounded a good deal like a Peter Dutton, Pauline Hanson or Donald Trump. Such pitting of Australian workers against international and guest workers, far from saving the jobs of local workers, only divides workers from our true allies – the workers of the world – and, thus, makes the workers movement less able to mobilise effective action to stop job slashing attacks by capitalists. It is high time that our unions strongly reject all divisive, protectionist demands that call for putting local workers ahead of our international worker comrades whether they be calls to slash immigration, demands for more “local content”, demands for “Aussie crews on Aussie ships” or calls to keep out visa workers. Instead, our unions must demand that all those working here (including on ships servicing here), no matter what their nationality, get the highest local wages and conditions, must fight to win full citizenship rights for all visa workers and international students and must make persistent efforts to unite local and international workers against job slashing bosses everywhere in the fight for jobs for all. As the threat of job losses at British magnate Richard Branson’s Virgin shows and the fact that the most powerful Australian capitalists – like James Packer, the Murdochs and Anthony Pratt – have major operations abroad highlights, we need unity and solidarity with our worker sisters and brothers around the world today more than ever.

In waging a fight for jobs for all, the working class must unite in common struggle with all downtrodden layers especially hard hit in recent weeks. Standing by those sleeping the streets, couch-surfing or struggling to pay rent, the workers movement must demand a six-month freeze to all residential rent payments, an immediate end to all public housing sell-offs and the requisitioning of all unoccupied properties of people owning more than three homes and their immediate conversion into low-rent public housing or rent-free housing for the homeless. The workers movement must also stand by Australia’s brutally oppressed Aboriginal people who face extreme racist discrimination at the best of times but who are now, with police having greater powers arising from pandemic restrictions, copping even more racist repression. That means we must strongly stand by homeless Aboriginal people being especially bullied by police. And we must join in the recent, powerful call by the families and friends of Aboriginal victims of deaths in custody to release all of our Aboriginal sisters and brothers who are languishing – now more than ever given the dangerous and repressive covid-19 conditions – in Australia’s many brutal prisons and cruel detention centres.

Don’t Let the Capitalist Rulers Blame Others
for the Suffering and Job Cuts since the Pandemic Hit

Any fightback that the workers movement tries to wage will be undermined if the ruling class succeeds in shifting the blame for the pandemic and job losses onto others. Hard right media shock jocks and coded messages from the government have despicably sought to blame Chinese people. This has led to an explosion in the already alarming number of racist attacks against people of colour in Australia. People of Chinese appearance, including medical workers, have especially been abused and violently attacked. The working class must stamp out such attacks. Workers of Asian background make up an important component of the Australian workers movement and we need to resolutely fight against racism if we are to preserve our own unity and focus the masses on who our enemy actually is. So, while workers rights activists should respect genuine social distancing regulations, when a racist attack is threatened, we should make an exception and take mass action to defend those targeted and to painfully rebuff the perpetrators.

The main way that the capitalist rulers are trying to shift blame for the deaths and economic pain caused by the pandemic is to make ridiculous smears against the People Republic of China (PRC). The fact is that China gave Australia and the world much warning about the COVID-19 threat. Indeed, Australia did not even have a single confirmed case of COVID-19 when China took the unprecedented step of shutting down a whole city of 11 million people to contain the virus. That the virus still spread so widely here is because the Liberal government, with ALP support, in order to underhandedly promote anti-China fears within the Australian population, maintained for a long period restrictions only on travellers from China (and later from South Korea too) while not taking measures then to screen and test the large number of people returning with the virus from Europe, from cruise ships and from the U.S. Furthermore, the capitalist system, in which those who control production only have things made if they can find a way to extract a profit out of it, meant that Australian manufacturers have only in a very limited way switched over to producing pandemic response items like protective suits, medical masks, infra-red thermometers and testing kits. The resulting scarcity of these items has greatly weakened Australia’ response. In the end, these shortages have only been eased after China came to the rescue in recent days with large shipments. So the attempts by Australia’s capitalist regime to blame the PRC are total rubbish. Indeed, the Liberal government’s China-bashing call for a supposed “independent inquiry” into the earliest phase of the pandemic are much like its 2014-2015 Royal Commission into the Trade Unions, a witch-hunt aimed at smearing their target and justifying attacks against it. If we allow the capitalist ruling class to deceive the population into blaming China for their current hardships then the masses will likely stay away from any attempt to resist the capitalist class’ attacks on workers’ jobs and conditions.

There is another reason why the Australian regime and their big brother allies in Washington are so hysterically attacking China over the pandemic. The PRC’s stunning success in responding to the COVID-19 threat, versus on the other hand the seriously flawed response in Australia and the catastrophically botched one in the U.S., has shown the superiority of the PRC’s socialistic system based on public ownership and working class rule. The capitalist rulers around the world are terrified that their own masses will see this and, thus, conclude that socialism is what is needed in their own countries too. Indeed, that is precisely the conclusion that we must draw! For although working class rule in China is bureaucratically deformed and threatened by the presence of a still significant capitalist class, recent events have proven that such a socialist system, even in a flawed form, is far better able to protect the interests of the masses than the chaotic capitalist system. Thus, because the key sectors of the Chinese economy are dominated by public ownership – including banking, construction, ports, airlines, heavy industry, communication and mining – China was able to switch over its economy to building brand new emergency hospitals and pandemic response items in a flash. Moreover, the fact that the Chinese working class, in as imperfect a way as it is, have control of the PRC economy through their state means that the rise in unemployment in China since the pandemic has been relatively miniscule compared to the massive wave of joblessness that we are seeing in the U.S., Europe and Australia. So, yes, we definitely do need to fight here for a system based on public ownership and working class rule. And when business owners respond to our demands for them to retain more employees than is most profitable for them by saying that “this is not practical” then the workers movement must respond: if you capitalists cannot run the economy in a way that provides jobs for all then the economy should not be in your hands, we working class people will take it off you and put it into our own, strong and able, collective hands.

The Western capitalist rulers are right, from their point of view, to fear that the existence of socialistic rule in the world’s most populous country is an existential threat, if only by example, to capitalist rule in their own countries. That is precisely why it is in the interests of working class people and all the oppressed here to stand by socialistic rule in China. For the existence of Red China strengthens our own struggle against capitalist exploitation. So let us oppose the Australian regime’s participation in the provocative U.S.-led naval forays through distant Chinese waters and let us oppose its fulsome political support to counterrevolutionary forces within China – like the yuppy, rich people’s opposition in Hong Kong.

May 1, U.S.A.: Workers at Amazon, Target and other retail giants stage protests and walkouts over poor pay and the companies’ failure to provide workers with adequate protective gear during the pandemic. Militant class struggle is needed here in Australia to both demand a safe working environment and to fight for jobs for all by forcing companies to retain more workers at the expense of their profits.

The Capitalists Have Waged Class War on Workers for Decades –
It’s Time to Wage Class War on Them!

For the last several years, most workers have barely received a pay rise even while rents have been rising significantly, electricity costs are climbing steeply and out of pocket medical costs are increasing. In the meantime, company profits have skyrocketed. As a result, the wealth of Australia’s richest 200 people went from $197 billion in 2016 to $342 billion in 2019 – a staggering 74% increase in just three years! But now that some of them have run into choppy waters they are dumping overboard the very workers who produced their spectacular wealth. And then they tell us that “we are all in the same boat together.” How dare they! Workers who have just been axed by their bosses must feel nauseous when they encounter such rubbish as they queue up for hours before opening time outside Centrelink offices while wealthy business owners drive past in their flashy prestige cars.

So let’s completely reject the lie that we are being sold by the big end of town, with the complicity of the current ALP leaders of the workers movement, that “we are all in this together.” Let’s never lose sight of the fact that while it is the pandemic that necessitates social distancing restrictions it is a choice of business owners to lay off or stand down workers without pay rather than pay their workers out of the profits that they have sweated out of these self same workers over many years. Let’s build mass working class struggle against the bosses to force them to re-hire retrenched or stood down without pay workers as well as all longer-term unemployed workers. And if James Packer complains that he can’t afford this, we should demand that he sell the new super yacht that he bought eleven months ago. That alone would give him enough money to fully pay all his stood-down Crown workers for nearly four months. Let’s win jobs for all through waging class war on the very exploiting class that has been waging a one-sided class war on us for the last three and a half decades!

Corporate Bosses Endanger Workers’ Lives During COVID-19 Epidemic

Waterfront Bosses Hide COVID-19 Case from Workers

Corporate Bosses Endanger Workers’ Lives
Even More During COVID-19 Epidemic

4 April 2020: The greed of capitalist bosses knows no bounds. They have always stolen the fruit of workers’ labour. And in their drive for still higher profits, they have always been willing to endanger workers’ lives by cutting corners on workplace safety. Now, since the COVID-19 outbreak, the cruelty of their drive for profits has reached new levels. On the one hand, many business owners, at the first sign of a decrease in revenue or the need to temporarily shut down for quarantine reasons, are throwing out of their jobs the very workers whose manual and mental labour made these bosses their fortunes. On the other hand, some of those workers still in work are being exposed to the COVID-19 virus due to the bosses’ callous disregard for workers’ well-being. The latter is what is taking place, for example, at the Hutchison port at Sydney’s Port Botany.

We received the following message tonight from a waterfront worker at Hutchison who is also a Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) member:

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“COVID-19 outbreak at my work. Hutchison terminal in Sydney again stands still. This time due to COVID-19 where there is one confirmed case – not contracted in the terminal. Problem is the six shifts since March 24 prior to our [MUA] member being notified by NSW Health. The numbers exposed are greater than the company is revealing. 

“Hutchison deliberately concealed a positive COVID-19 test from workers and the Union [MUA]. Then they had wharfies working ensuring the ship got away before revealing on April 3. 

“Believe it or not Hutchison will still not reveal to the workforce or Union who was on shift and who crossed over the six shifts. 

“The terminal remains shut down until workers are satisfied all safety concerns have been agreed and implemented. 

“These people are beyond belief. 

“It’s criminal behaviour that puts the whole community at risk.”

Victory to the stop-work action of Hutchison workers! Solidarity with the endangered Hutchison workers!

Hutchison was started by British capitalists in the 19th century after Britain stole Hong Kong from China through the Opium War. In 1979, still during the period of British colonial rule, Hong Kong real estate tycoon Li Ka-shing took a decisive stake in Hutchison, then called Hutchison Whampoa. Today Li and his sons run Hutchison. Li has an estimated wealth of $A52 billion. Not surprisingly then, this capitalist has given tacit support to the pro-colonial, anticommunist opposition movement in Hong Kong. This movement expresses the interests of Hong Kong’s rich who know that their selfish interests will be harmed if socialistic China exerts more control over Hong Kong. A prominent leader of Hong Kong’s biggest trade union federation, the pro-Beijing Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, aptly referred to Li Ka-shing as the “king of cockroaches” (see: We say that Red China should confiscate Hutchison and the other holdings of this king of cockroaches as well as those of the other Hong Kong tycoons and bring them all into public ownership so that the benefits of the socialist system can be brought to the people of Hong Kong; and improvements can be made to the conditions of workers employed in Hutchison Port operations around the world.

Unfortunately, the disregard for workers’ health shown by the bosses at Sydney’s Hutchison Ports is just one example of the attitude of greedy capitalists throughout Australia to the dangers to workers posed by COVID-19. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, working class people and our union movement will need to fight extra hard to stop layoffs, to prevent the bosses eroding our working conditions and to protect our very lives.

Update, 6 April 2020: The situation has now gotten worse at Hutchison Ports in Port Botany. A second worker has been confirmed as being infected and approximately 30 workers are now in isolation due to being high risk of exposure to COVID-19. See:


Photo Above: The government’s planned attacks on unemployed workers and other welfare recipients will lead to still more homelessness in Australia.



16 October 2019 – The right-wing Morrison government is waging a multi-pronged attack on Australia’s lowest income people. Having rejected widespread calls to boost the cruelly low, Newstart Allowance, the Liberal-National government is seeking to push through legislation that will extend beyond June 2020 the trials of the Cashless Debit Card. Under the harsh regime of this “cashless welfare” system, welfare recipients will only receive 20% of their income through their bank account. The remainder must be spent through a Cashless Debit Card which can only be used at shops with Eftpos machines and cannot be used to withdraw cash or for alcohol or gambling. The government’s legislation will not only extend the period of the cashless welfare trials in the existing four sites but expand the trials to two new areas: the Northern Territory and the Cape York Peninsula. Welfare recipients in those two areas were already under compulsory income management as a result of the racist Intervention into Aboriginal communities begun in 2007 under the Howard government and extended under the following Labor government. However, the new measure will see the system where 50% of people’s income was restricted under a Basics Card replaced by the even more severe Cashless Debit Card, where 80% of income is quarantined. Moreover, if the new legislation becomes law, a minister will have the power to arbitrarily increase people’s rate of quarantining to 100%!

It is pretty clear that the government’s aim is to use the trials as a stepping stone to impose cashless welfare on most welfare recipients. Last month, the junior partner in the governing Coalition, the Nationals, decided to push for the Cashless Debit Card to be imposed on all people who are unemployed or receiving parenting payments and aged under 35. For his part, prime minister Scott Morrison openly stated that the cashless welfare trials were “commending itself for wider application.”

In yet another scheme to subject economically vulnerable people to more indignities, the Coalition government wants to drug test people receiving either the Newstart Allowance or the Youth Allowance. The measure will be introduced first as a trial at three sites involving 5,000 people. The bill enshrining the scheme is now before the Senate. Those who refuse to be drug tested will have their payments cut off and those that fail a second test will have to pay for the test, which would amount to hundreds of dollars. The scheme is so draconian and punitive that almost all health and drug treatment experts have slammed the plan.

All these proposed measures are not about supposedly using “tough love” to help unemployed people as the government claims. Rather, they will make the lives of low-income people more miserable. For starters, with welfare recipients often having to sub-let from a better-off tenant in order to be able to get rental accommodation (since landlords are reluctant to let to the lowest income people), cashless welfare will mean that many will simply not be able to pay their rent. Moreover, by curbing a person’s use of cash, the Cashless Debit Card will restrict low-income people from buying items at markets or second-hand from other people. They will also no longer be able to get a tradie to do a job at reduced rates for cash. Yet it is precisely the economically poor who most need to be able to  get good deals from cash payments and bargains from markets and second-hand purchases. In short, the imposition of cashless welfare amounts to a sizable cut to the income of unemployed workers. How are people going to afford that when the Newstart Allowance is already so meagre? Take a single person trying to live in the working class Sydney suburb of Auburn, about 35 minutes from the city. The cheapest shared accommodation, single bedroom advertised there is going for $200 a week – that is, $400 a fortnight. Yet Newstart for a single person is just $559 a fortnight and the maximum rental assistance is only $138 per fortnight. So that single, unemployed worker has just $297 per fortnight left after paying rent. How the hell can a person survive on just $148.50 per week? Already many on Newstart are forced to skip meals, avoid using the heater during even freezing winter days and pass over purchases of essential medicines. Now, being denied  the discounts that are possible through cash transactions will drive them further into poverty. And low income people face a second blow. With Liberal and ALP state governments alike continuing to sell off public housing, private landlords will know that they can jack up rents since people will have nowhere else to go.

What these planned new welfare measures aim to do is to stigmatise unemployed workers and all the poor – portraying them as lazy, drug or alcohol-addicted people who need a firm hand to bring them into line and make them job ready. This is a disgusting slander! The reason that so many people do not have jobs and many, many more have less work hours than they want is because of the greed of the corporate bigwigs who are forever trying to boost profits by slashing their workforces and driving those left behind harder for the same pay. Greedy business owners are, meanwhile, reluctant to spend any resources on training new workers unless there is big money to be made out of it. It is because of this capitalist system, where every economic decision is determined by the drive for profits for rich bosses, that there are nearly five unemployed people for every available job. Even if those small percentage of unemployed workers who have become, understandably, despondent at their prospects of finding work are pushed into becoming more active in job hunting this will only mean that instead of 19 people on average applying for each job vacancy, as is currently the case, there maybe say 23 people on average competing for each vacancy (even whether this will occur is questionable since the unbearably low level of the Newstart payment and greater costs inherent with cashless welfare will mean that people often cannot afford to buy clothes for interviews, travel to job opportunities or print their own CVs). Thus, at most, government “tough love” measures will mean that different people will end up getting the same scarce jobs. The same overall number of people will still be unemployed!

What the government’s schemes to stigmatise welfare recipients will do is to severely demoralise unemployed workers and lower their self esteem. When a worker gets retrenched by a boss or a young person struggles to get their first, secure job they feel demoralised because humans by nature want to be able to utilise their skills and as social animals we long to contribute to society’s development. Part of the egalitarian culture of so-called hunter-gatherer societies of the past came from the fact that everyone was able to contribute to satisfying their clan’s needs and those contributions were valued by and, indeed, essential to all. Yet in the profit-obsessed, capitalist system so many people are cruelly denied the basic human need to be able to utilise one’s labour and contribute to social production. These victims of capitalist greed then have to also put up with being vilified by the tabloid press, right-wing TV commentators and radio shock jocks and being looked down upon by a society whose values are shaped by the corporate ruling class. And ever more and more, these people are being stigmatised by punitive government policies like cashless welfare and mandatory drug testing. Meanwhile, the economic hardships imposed on welfare recipients through below poverty-level payments – increasingly compounded by restrictions on their access to cash – lead to social isolation as people can’t afford to travel to social events, pay entry fees to shows or nightspots or even go out for a coffee. So, unemployed workers are pushed into depression. Quite understandably, some in this predicament will seek solace in various forms of escape from reality – whether that be in the illusory salvation of religion or other cults or the “alternate reality” of a drug high.

But any suggestion that it is the lowest income people who are especially prone  to drug use or alcoholism is repugnant. Welfare recipients simply don’t have the money to be buying large amounts of drugs or alcohol. It is the cocaine snorting, chardonnay swilling corporate high fliers, managers, barristers, yuppies, rich kids and the like living in places like Bellevue Hill, Mosman and Vaucluse who get to indulge and spend far more on drugs and alcohol. Of course, the government is not suggesting compulsory drug testing of these social classes – after all, these are the very people whom their regime serves!

In this soulless, dog-eat-dog capitalist society, many people from all classes seek various forms of escape from reality. And as with plunging into religion or cults, using drugs to escape – especially when it results in actual addiction – can often make reality even worse than it currently is. Yet for some of those being isolated and stigmatised at the bottom of this ruthless, class-divided society, having a means of “escape” is what stands between them and deep depression or even suicide. What these people need is not punitive drug testing – and being made to pay for the exorbitant costs of these tests – but an end to the stigmatisation, a system that provides guaranteed jobs for all and something else that definitely does not exist now: widely available and free addiction treatment, counselling and mental health services. Ironically, contrary to its claimed goals, the government’s policies, by further stigmatising welfare recipients will drive more people into seeking to escape reality through drugs, alcohol or religion (the bible-thumping members in the regime like Morrison, Eric Abetz and Christian fundamentalist Andrew Hastie would, of course, love the latter).

In their policies to punish the poor, the right-wing government also imparts their own racial prejudice into the process. The existing cashless welfare trial areas as well as the two new proposed sites have a disproportionately high percentage of Aboriginal residents. Indeed, nearly 80% of people affected by the cashless welfare trials are Aboriginal people. Notably too, one of the three sites selected for the mandatory drug testing of welfare recipients is southwest Sydney’s Canterbury- Bankstown area, a region with a very high proportion of residents from various Asian and Middle Eastern backgrounds. For a regime that oversees racist police brutality against Aboriginal people and the stealing of Aboriginal children from their families; and which regularly incites racist fears against one minority community after another, from Muslims, to African youth to Chinese students, such discriminatory behaviour is not surprisingly overtly racist. Moreover, the racist, rich people’s regime knows that racism is widespread in their society and so think that trialling punitive measures in heavily Aboriginal or heavily Asian/Middle Eastern regions will meet less resistance. Yet all working class people should know that repressive schemes first unleashed against Aboriginal people are often later rolled out more broadly. For example, compulsory work for the dole was first unfurled against Aboriginal people and then subsequently rolled out against most long-term unemployed workers. And, of course, cashless welfare itself began with the racist Intervention into NT Aboriginal communities.

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So why are Scott Morrison and Co. on this crusade against welfare recipients apart from, of course, the fact that they are heartless, upper class snobs with contempt for the poor! For one, they want to cut spending on welfare. They hope that by punishing welfare recipients and increasing the number of reasons why a recipient will get their payments suspended, they can drive down budget outlays. That will allow them more funds to lower tax rates for their big end of town mates, give negative-gearing tax concessions to wealthy investors buying multiple properties and support the government’s increasingly large budget for spy agencies and for their military build up against socialistic China. Last year, Australia, a country with a relatively small population, was the second biggest arms importer in the world, spending more on weapons imports than China, a country with sixty times our population (see: second-biggest-weapons-importer-behind-saudi/11558762)! The rich people’s regime’s annual defence budget is now $38.7 billion which, spread out and spent on welfare instead of war, would amount to about $52,000 per year for every person on the Newstart Allowance!

However, cutting costs is not the government’s only motive. After all, the Cashless Debit Card itself initially cost $10,000 per person per year to administer and even the lowest estimates of this operating cost now stand at $2,000 per person which amounts to about $40 per week that could, instead, be used to boost the income of each welfare recipient!

A big part of the motive for the government’s war on welfare recipients is to blame unemployed workers for their own plight so that people will not focus on those really responsible for joblessness – the corporate bigwigs who, after sweating out millions and billions in profits from their employees, don’t hesitate to throw some of these same workers out of their livelihoods whenever pruning their workforce is what it takes to further boost profits. Thus, despite extracting a whopping $1.2 billion profit out of its workers in just the first six months of this year, Telstra bosses have thrown 3,200 workers out of a job since June last year as part of a plan by this rich Australians-owned company to axe 18,000 workers by the end of 2022. For its part, David Jones bosses are in the process of axing 120 jobs, including 28 jobs at its Wollongong store. This despite the company’s rich shareholders making a $37 million profit last year and over $200 million over the last three years. With more than half of young adults without a permanent job and as the capitalist world lurches into another economic downturn, the capitalists’ government is determined to ensure that the masses don’t identify the greed of the owners of Telstra, David Jones, NAB and the other corporations as the reason for rising unemployment.

And when the parties that uphold the capitalist order aren’t blaming unemployed people for their own plight they use nationalist and racist scapegoating instead. The Liberal/Nationals specialise in blaming migrants and refugees for unemployment, the ALP and Greens are focussed on blaming imported products and guest workers and the far-right outfits, like One Nation, rabidly do both.

Perhaps the main reason that the Morrison government wants to make life more miserable for welfare recipients is to help their rich business-owning mates by driving down the wages and conditions of employed workers. By keeping welfare payments so small and imposing such cruel restrictions on recipients, Morrison and Co. know that unemployed workers will become more willing to accept jobs with terrible wage rates and working conditions. Already there are hundreds of thousands of workers in Australia – disproportionately young or female or migrant toiling away for below award wages in sectors like retail, hospitality, aged care, warehousing and restaurants. Moreover, by making the conditions of life so terrible for those who lose their jobs, the anti-working class government hopes to intimidate existing workers into putting up with poor conditions and shying away from risking involvement in trade union struggles for rights at work. That is why the entire workers movement and in particular our trade unions must champion the struggle to smash the Morrison government’s attacks on welfare recipients.


No one should be under the illusion that we can rely on parliamentary machinations to stop the current offensive against welfare recipients. The cross-bench politicians are anti-working class. Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie, who may have the deciding vote in the Senate on the various government bills, broadly supports cashless welfare. Under pressure from their working class base, the ALP is now opposing the government’s legislation in its current form. Yet working class activists should not have faith that the ALP will spearhead a movement against the government’s measures. Remember this is the same ALP that previously voted for cashless welfare trials and when last in government implemented perhaps the cruellest of all welfare cuts: the throwing of low-income single parents (mainly single mothers) and their families off the parenting payment and onto the much lower paying Newstart Allowance. Even today, the ALP’s opposition to cashless welfare is hardly staunch. They plan to amend the government’s cashless welfare legislation so that the scheme becomes voluntary. That is, of course, better than being compulsory but that still means that they will be promoting the despicable stigmatisation of unemployed people inherent in cashless welfare. And that stigmatisation is, indeed, half of the government’s agenda!

Now the Greens have been stronger in their opposition to cashless welfare than the ALP. The problem, however, is that the Greens accept the current social order, reject the idea of workers organising as a class against it and, themselves, receive big donations from rich capitalist high-fliers. Yet it is only mass action of the working class against the capitalist class that can force the capitalist politicians  to retreat from their current course. When we see such militant, mass action – backed by the power of the union movement – then suddenly some cross-benchers or even government politicians, realising the need for the class that they serve to make concessions, will miraculously “discover” the injustice of their war on welfare recipients. So let’s have mass working class struggle to demand a complete end to cashless welfare, a total rejection of drug testing of welfare recipients, a massive increase in public housing and a big increase in the Newstart Allowance. However, we should not stop there. We need to fight for the basic human right of all people, who are able to do so, to use their labour and talents to contribute to social production. That means launching industrial action struggles to stop all job slashing plans by business owners. It also means demanding laws stopping all profitable companies from cutting jobs and laws which force profitable businesses to increase hiring at the expense of their profits. And to truly enable working class mothers to fully participate in work life we need to fight for free around-the-clock childcare, free pre-school education and free school lunches at all schools. To all these measures, especially ones that force business owners to retain more staff than is optimal for their profits, the capitalists will scream that this is unaffordable and impractical. To this we must reply: if your system cannot even provide jobs for all and, thereby, also utilise every person’s skills and energy for society’s benefit then it is so cruel and so irrational that it has got to go. We working class people will take the banks, factories, mines, transport and communication systems, utilities and agricultural land into our own able collective hands and run a socialist system that will serve all working class people and all the poor.

To realise this perspective we need to turn around the program that currently dominates our unions. Most of our unions remain led by a pro-ALP agenda that, while critical of companies when they cut jobs, rarely takes any action against this except occasionally in the small minority of cases where job losses are related to companies moving operations offshore. Instead, the only “strategy” that pro-ALP union leaders have to win more jobs for workers is to make economic nationalist appeals to restrict imports, curb the entry of guest workers or favour local businesses. Yet, such protectionism never helps save any workers’ jobs as overseas countries will inevitably retaliate with their own measures against Australian producers. All such schemes end up doing is dividing Australian workers from our true allies – the workers of all countries – while bringing us into a bloc with the very people that we need to be struggling against: the job-slashing local bosses. So we need to replace this Laborite perspective with one based on irreconcilable opposition to the local capitalist exploiting class. We need a union movement and a workers party that do not restrict themselves to demands that are tolerated by the capitalists but which, instead, unite the working class to fight for what we and all the downtrodden need. That means waging all out class struggle – including in defiance of anti-strike laws – to oppose job cuts by business owners, to smash the Morrison government’s entire war on welfare recipients, to defeat its planned laws making it easier to deregister militant unions and to force profitable companies to increase hiring at the expense of their profits. Such a program is part of a far-sighted perspective to win a future socialist society where it will be the working class and poor and not the cruel capitalist exploiters who will be the new ruling class of a fair and kind society and who, one day, will even abolish the very notion of a society divided by classes and the systematic, unequal distribution of wealth.

Against the Right-Wing, Western-backed Protests in Hong Kong

Against the Right-Wing,
Western-backed Protests
in Hong Kong

Socialistic PRC Should Extradite Even More Tycoons to Face Justice on the Mainland and Have Their Ill-Gotten Assets Nationalised!

10 June 2019 – Australia’s big business and government-owned media have been lionising the recent, often violent, right-wing protests in Hong Kong. They report that driving the protests are businessmen, shopkeepers, lawyers and university students. This is a protest pushed by large sections of Hong Kong’s capitalist class, the upper middle-class and younger wannabe capitalists. They fear that the socialistic state ruling mainland China will gradually undermine their privileged position (see also this letter by a comrade written some five years ago which dissected similar anti-communist protests at the time:

The groups opposed to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) within Hong Kong are not only being encouraged by the mainstream Western media but are being funded by the U.S. government’s National Endowment for Democracy (here the National Endowment for Democracy’s own website lists some of the anti-PRC programs that they openly fund in Hong Kong – one of which they deviously portray as being for workers rights – , however their covert funding is many times larger). They are also being filled with cash by Hong Kong’s own capitalist class and by capitalists in mainland China. A particular reason that capitalists are up in arms over Hong Kong’s proposed new extradition law – the object of yesterday’s protests – is that it will make it easier for the PRC to continue cracking down on mainland capitalists hiding out in Hong Kong. Although, unfortunately, the compromising Beijing leadership has allowed some people to become capitalist tycoons within China, the great thing is that the PRC often comes down hard upon these capitalists. While in Australia, the likes of James Packer, Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forest are above the law, the biggest tycoons in China are often nabbed for corruption. Moreover, if their rate of exploitation has become excessive, especially in a way that puts the broader economy at risk, the PRC authorities sometimes bow to public pressure and crackdown on these hated corporate bigwigs. Sometimes they even laudably confiscate the assets of these billionaires and bring them into public ownership – i.e. carry out the socialist program.

1 July 2019: Violent, pro-colonial protesters smash into Hong Kong’s legislative building and hoist the flag of the former British colonial regime that brutally occupied Hong Kong.
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The particular incident that is driving Hong Kong’s capitalist elite and upper-middle class yuppies to oppose the planned new extradition law is the kidnapping two years ago of greedy Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua from a Hong Kong hotel by PRC authorities. That is why many of those involved in yesterday’s anti-PRC protests were carrying signs like: “no kidnapping to China.” PRC authorities ended up taking Xiao Jianhua to the mainland for questioning and detention. Xiao is now awaiting trial for corrupt activities. The PRC workers state has also taken over a bank that he owned, Baoshang Bank – one of the rare privately-owned banks in China – and given it over to state-owned banks to run. In other words, the bank has been effectively nationalised. This is fantastic! For more details on this nationalisation and the bringing down of Xiao Jianhua and other greedy billionaires in Hong Kong by Red China see the following mainstream media articles:


More Chinese capitalists hiding out in Hong Kong should be extradited and have their assets nationalised. Any real socialist would want this!

Moreover the PRC should abandon its deal with the British imperialists who stole Hong Kong in 1842. Britain seized Hong Kong after winning the Opium War against China. In winning that predatory war Britain’s capitalist rulers not only stole Hong Kong but won the “right” to turn half of China into drug addicts for the sake of their profits, the “right” to “concessions” granting them and other imperialist powers control of key parts of China and the right to control and plunder China’s markets. In the 1997 deal between China and Britain that finally returned Hong Kong to China, the PRC (wrongly) agreed to maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system for at least 50 years. The deal meant “one country – two systems.” The PRC should renege on this deal – imperialist powers should have no right to dictate what system exists in any part of China or any other country for that matter. No more one country – two systems! It should be one country – one socialist system! That means that the assets of the Hong Kong capitalists should be confiscated and brought into public ownership. In particular, Hong Kong’s huge and vital port should be confiscated from notorious billionaire Li Ka-shing and his son, Victor Li. Li Ka-shing and Victor Li control Hutchison Port Holdings, which as well as owning Hong Kong’s ports also controls a port terminal at Sydney’s Port Botany, where they are notorious for union-busting attacks on workers jobs and working conditions (see:

If the PRC puts Hong Kong’s capitalist bigwigs out of business, the social base for the right-wing anti-PRC movement will be greatly weakened. More importantly, nationalising the businesses owned by the Hong Kong tycoons will allow the wages and working conditions of workers in Hong Kong’s ports and service sectors to be greatly improved and will provide the resources to finally improve the atrocious living conditions of the hundreds of thousands of working-class Hong Kong residents either living in cage-like “homes” or tiny slum-like apartments. In other words a move to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong would be popular amongst the working class and poor of Hong Kong. It would also illuminate – for all to see – the clear class question involved in the issue of support or opposition of PRC influence. It would become clearer to the working class masses of Hong Kong that their interests lie in being ever more closely a part of Red China. Moreover, a blow against the capitalists of Hong Kong would give confidence to those within the mainland seeking to preserve socialistic rule there. That struggle is a difficult and fraught struggle as the PRC workers state is facing aggressive pro-capitalist demands from Chinese private business owners, Western-backed “dissidents,” the imperialist rulers of Australia and the U.S. (the latter with its fervent demands during the trade disputes that China stop supporting the socialistic, state-owned enterprises that dominate her economy) and soft-on-capitalist elements within the Chinese leadership and bureaucracy itself.

Therefore anyone who supports working class people’s interests and socialism should support increased PRC influence in Hong Kong, should unequivocally oppose all anti-PRC movements there and should call for the PRC to bring Hong Kong’s economy under socialist, public ownership.

17 August 2019: A spirited, 3000 strong pro-PRC demonstration gathers outside the Sydney Town Hall. The rally opposed the anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong.

One of the Trotskyist Platform (TP) placards at the 17th August 2019 demonstration where over 3,000 people marched through the streets of Sydney in opposition to the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong who have been seeking to undermine the region’s incorporation into the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The march was several times larger than even the biggest of the rallies held in Sydney supporting the right-wing, pro-colonial opposition in Hong Kong. This is despite those anti-PRC actions in Australia being massively supported and built up by the entire capitalist media.

Nearly all those participating in the 17th August march were international students from China or people from the local Chinese community. However, a multi-racial group of TP supporters also joined the pro-Red China march. As well as standing in solidarity with the action, our contingent opposed the Australian ruling class’ escalating Cold War repression of supporters of socialistic China as well as other socialistic states (such as the brave pro-North Korea political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi) and emphasised that defending the PRC workers state is in the very interests of the working class and oppressed of this country. We also distributed a leaflet at the demonstration that not only opposed the anti-communist opposition in Hong Kong but called for socialistic rule to be brought to Hong Kong so that all of China can be in one country under one socialistic system.

Mobilise a Mighty Mass Struggle to Win Decent Conditions for All Casual, Youth & Women Workers

No Parliamentary Party Is Offering Any Major Gains for the Most Exploited & Downtrodden Workers

8 March 2019 – Siva worked for ruthless bosses. The business owners at the warehouse where she was employed simply stole her wages. They insultingly paid her $11 an hour less than she was legally entitled to! Her story, which Siva told to a Queensland parliamentary inquiry, is far from unique. In some sectors like restaurants, cafes and beauty salons, bosses are more likely to pay workers below the legal minimum than they are to actually pay award wages.

Siva was a casual worker. Since bosses can sack casuals on the spot or simply not give them shifts if they complain, casual workers are often underpaid. Moreover, Siva is a woman in a society where, even as we mark International Women’s Day (IWD) in 2019, women continue to suffer gender oppression and much lower pay than men. Also, she is of Asian descent. Either because they are themselves prejudiced or because they know that racism and nationalism is so widespread – and thus that people of colour will be more isolated – bosses think that they can rip off workers of Aboriginal, Asian, African or Middle Eastern origin.

And then there is the all too legal mistreatment of casual workers. Many casuals have no certainty about the number of hours of work that they will get in any given week and can be called in to work at any time. A disproportionately high percentage of casual workers are women and young people. When one adds those employed through labour hire, the gig economy or short-term contracts and the still more who have not even been lucky enough to obtain any work, it’s clear that a large majority of young working class people in Australia do not have secure jobs! It’s not surprising that anxiety, depression and, most tragically, suicide amongst young people are so widespread!

The super-exploitation of casual workers and so many young and women workers hurts all of us workers! When workers are forced into jobs with poor conditions in some industries it allows bosses elsewhere to also chop away at working conditions. Under a capitalist, so-called democracy, no matter who wins an election, little will improve for working class people – and for working class women in particular. The Liberal-Nationals and the right-wing minor parties are, as always, trying to slash workers’ rights. The Labor Party does oppose the push of the conservatives to introduce a new category of “flexi-permanent” worker in order to expand casualisation. Yet the ALP’s agenda will largely maintain the status quo where workers’ wages are not keeping up with ever increasing prices even as the 200 richest people in Australia bolstered their wealth by a staggering $50 billion over the last year. The recent ALP conference refused to commit to an increase to the paltry Newstart Allowance for unemployed workers. The ALP has no policy to prevent bosses from hiring new workers as casuals. Indeed, the continued oppression of casuals and the expansion of short-term work have all occurred under the Fair Work Act regime brought in by the last ALP government and it was the earlier Hawke-Keating ALP administration that had overseen the near doubling of the rate of casualisation in the 1980s and early 1990s.

There is a time-honoured way that we can use to fight back against the undermining of workers’ rights. That is through industrial action and mass mobilisations. This is how workers, women and all oppressed groups have won whatever rights we still enjoy today. Earlier this decade, a union campaign of strikes and rallies by community sector workers won decent pay rises. This was a victory for gender equality too as the low pay of these workers was partly based on discrimination arising from these workers being mainly women. In the middle of last year, strike action by workers at an infrastructure firm, Downer, culminated in the unionised workers defeating the bosses’ attempts to impose yet another wage freeze. This proves that only determined and militant class struggle can bring about positive change!

Sydney, 1 May 2019: Thousands of construction and maritime workers down tools to join a workers rights march on May Day. The united working class have the power to smash the attacks of the capitalist bosses. However, for this power to be realised, the workers movement needs to be freed from the illusion that change can come through parliament and from the divisive poison of economic nationalism. Photo credit: NTEU
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Unfortunately, many workers don’t work at larger sites with lots of fellow workers where it is easier to organise unions. Small businesses owners are often even more vicious than corporate bigwigs and are more likely to hire workers on an unpermanent basis. That is why we need to fight for laws to protect workers with an insecure employment status. We must demand laws that mandate that all workers be hired with the rights of permanent workers. All workers must also be granted a certain minimum number of hours of work per week. We must say no to gig economy-style employment! Those employed in the gig economy must immediately be transferred from being contractors to being permanent employees. They must start getting paid for the time they are on call and when they aren’t receiving “gigs”. Laws decreeing such measures would be a step forward but we would then still have to work out ways to enforce them. That is why we need to expand union membership. When our unions start taking militant action in workplaces where we workers are well organised then our fellow workers in smaller sites will be inspired to join our unions.


Though most groups on the Left would say that they agree with industrial action and mass struggle, nevertheless at the same time they promote support for the ALP and Greens – either through openly pushing for a vote for these parties or through calling to “put the Liberals last” at the upcoming elections. These left groups like Solidarity, Socialist Alliance, the Communist Party of Australia and Socialist Alternative would argue that they are simply employing a “diversity of tactics” in the struggle for workers’ rights. However, the more that workers believe that their salvation lies with an ALP or ALP/Greens government, the less they will be willing to take the risk of waging class struggle action. This is especially the case because laws restricting strike action have become so draconian that workers who think there is another easier sounding path will be reluctant to dare to engage in militant industrial action.

All this has been evident in the course of the ACTU leadership’s Change the Rules campaign. Now we certainly do need to “change the rules” which are stacked against our unions and severely restrict our right to strike. The ACTU’s campaign was meant to employ a “diversity of tactics” including stop-works, rallies and electioneering for the ALP. However, since it is a lot easier for the ACTU to electioneer than to wage industrial action, the campaign, especially as the elections have neared has become almost entirely a “Vote ALP/Greens” operation. In this light, it is evident too that the focus on “Changing the Rules” became an excuse to avoid unleashing the necessary struggles in defiance of the unjust anti-strike laws. This was dramatically seen in January last year when the leadership of the RTBU union, with the evident acceptance by ACTU leader Sally McManus, bowed to a Fair Work Commission ruling and called off a planned rail strike in Sydney. To be sure, a year earlier, McManus caused a stir when she rightly said that there is no problem with workers breaking laws when the laws are unjust. Yet, as we saw with the aborted Sydney rail strike, these have remained largely empty words. Industrial action is at an all-time low. That is why workers’ wages are so stagnant. And as the elections approach, even the ACTU tops’ talk of breaking unjust laws has evaporated along with the stop-work action component of the Change the Rules campaign.

The bankruptcy of this elections-based strategy is highlighted by the simple fact that the ALP does not even promise to get rid of the anti-strike laws. They even sanctified these very laws in their 2009 Fair Work Act. The left groups that are campaigning for the ALP and/or The Greens contend that they want to get these parties into government and then “hold them to account.” However, the problem is not mainly that the leaders of these parties need to be “held to account.” The issue is the very essence of their politics. In the face of a powerful, capitalist class with its massive wealth that it can use to fund political parties, its ownership of the media and its control of all state institutions, the ALP doesn’t seek to challenge the power of this ruling class but, instead, to get the little they can for workers that these capitalists will find tolerable to give. And this is not very much at all! In the wake of the late noughties’ Global Recession, what the insecure capitalists are willing to give is actually almost nothing! That is why the ALP has promised to maintain the Coalition’s tax cuts for companies with revenues up to $50 million a year. In other words, the ALP has agreed to give multi-millionaire business owners a huge bonus while taking away funds that could have been used for public hospitals or for restoring the parenting payment for low-income single mothers which the former ALP-Greens government so cruelly took away in 2012 (the same year that the then PM Julia Gillard gave her famous anti-misogynist speech!) The Greens do have some social policies that are more progressive than the ALP’s. Yet they do not believe that the working class ought to challenge capitalist power or even organise separately to the capitalists. That means that, ultimately, they must bend to the capitalists’ agenda on nearly all major issues. That is why when The Greens were in government in a coalition with the ALP in Tasmania from 2010 to 2014, they actually pushed for retail electricity privatisation.

Workers must refuse to support any of the pro-capitalist parties. Having been convinced that class struggle is the only road, the working class movement will be better prepared to fight against the attacks of whichever party is elected to administer a state that’s designed to always work in the interests of the big end of town. The struggle to bring this clarity to the working masses is part of the fight to bring a class struggle program to the ascendancy within the working class. Such a program understands that building class struggle resistance requires bringing the working class together in the tightest possible unity. That means rejecting our current, pro-ALP union leaders’ divisive economic nationalist calls which set local workers in competition against our international and guest worker sisters and brothers. We must actively oppose nationalist and racist divisions. We must mobilise the union movement to fight to free the refugees, to demand the rights of citizenship for all visiting and guest workers and to build genuine unity with trade unions right across the world. Unlike the ALP’s strategy, the class struggle program that we must fight for is based not on what the capitalists can tolerate but what we and our fellow working class sisters and brothers need. That means demanding permanency for all workers who are currently employed as casuals or as pseudo-contractors in the gig economy. It means fighting to force profitable companies to, at the expense of their profits, increase hiring. It means fighting for free, around the clock, childcare! For equal pay for equal work! Of course, in the face of a powerful movement making such demands, the capitalist exploiters will yell, “we can’t afford this, the economy will collapse.” To this a class struggle leadership of the working class, that is a revolutionary socialist party, would respond: If you can’t run the economy in a way that gives secure jobs to all and enables women to have the complete economic independence they need to maximise their participation in society and enable them to more easily dump violent and abusive men, then you do not deserve to have ownership over the economy. We will take it from your greedy, miserly and clumsy hands. Under the watchful eye of our sovereign Aboriginal sisters and brothers, the workplaces and industries of this country will thrive under the public ownership and the collective control of a socialist workers government.